Page 49 - Bulletin, Vol.82 No.1, April 2023
P. 49

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation. State  rewarding  the  graduates  who  have
               of the art. Construction and Civil  successfully                 undertaken      architectural
               Engineering Aspects".                           studies after their first career.

               Aspects     of   Construction     and    Civil  Interested  in  philosophy,  I  followed
               Engineering" (New York, 1971), which is  postgraduate             studies     in    analytical
               now available in the library. It was really a  philosophy.
               job  for  engineering.  As  an  earthquake      Passionate about theatre, I was engaged
               specialist, I proposed anti-seismic building    in  this  activity  as  an  amateur  actor  and
               standards. I also studied the phenomenon        played in many theatrical plays.
               of why people always come back to live in
               their  territory  even  after  an  earthquake  This  life  path  makes  me  believe  that  my
               and without the notion of risk.                 destiny  has  been  rich  in  emotion  and
               In your opinion, is the United Nations
               important today?                                You were born in Geneva, to French
                                                               parents. You live in Switzerland, in
               It is very, very important. It is a guarantee   Geneva. How do you feel yourself:
               of security and a guarantee of peace. It is     French or Swiss, or Swiss-French or
               fundamental.  If  there  is  no  longer  the    French-Swiss, or international?
               United    Nations,    we     will   fall   into
               uncertainty.                                    I feel European. Completely European, in
                                                               a united Europe. We are only strong if we
               If you had a magic wand, what would             are  if  we  are  big,  so  we  need  a  united
               you change in the United Nations?
               I  would  revise  the  right  of  veto  of  the
               Permanent  Members  so  that  no  arbitrary
               minority  can  any  longer  block  proposals
               from the UN General Assembly.

               What would be your message to the
               future    generation      at   the    United

               Not to lose interest in history and to trust
               the  United  Nations  because  it  is  the  only
               guarantee  of  peace  between  nations.
               There  are  still  flaws.  But  we  must  keep

               What has your life been like after the
               United Nations?                                      Odette  Foudral,  Sylvestre  Coutinho  et
                                                               René Guénard
               When  I  retired  after  a  career  as  an      Let's go back to the United Nations. Is
               engineer I decided to go back to school. I      it important for you that the United
               enrolled at the Federal polytechnic school      Nations is in Geneva?
               of Lausanne, and I obtained a diploma in
               architecture  as  well  as  the  merit  prize

               AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No.1, 2023-04                                                47

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