Page 55 - Bulletin, Vol.82 No.1, April 2023
P. 55
But what does Chat GPT mean? Chat" understand the words it writes, nor does it
can of course be translated as know the context in which those words are
"conversation", "discussion"; "GPT" stands used," summarises Rose Luckin, founder
for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer", of the Institute for Ethical AI in Education.
which could be roughly translated as Don't ask it to think.
"Transformateur génératif pré-entraîné".
This tool is controversial
He can write essays, cover letters, poems
and other texts for us, help us prepare for It is in the field of education that it is most
a job interview, etc. Ask it any question acute. Schools and universities are unsure
and it will answer you in a few seconds, in whether to ban or adopt the application.
the style you want. Google is not far from Sciences Po in France has banned it, and
becoming a dinosaur! For example, you it has also been banned in all schools in
can ask it what you can do with the New York, while others such as the
ingredients you have in your cupboard University of Cambridge and the
and it will give you recipes to cook. GPT University of Namur in Belgium think that
Cat is not very good at maths, however they must learn to work with this
(but Open AI is improving its level). For technology or risk being left behind very
the moment, you can convince it that 2 + 2 quickly. For example, Alleyn's School in
= 5. It can be an interesting ally for London has done away with homework.
repetitive tasks, for ordering lists, but be Instead, students do "in-depth research",
careful with the veracity of its answers.... It which Chat GPT cannot yet do because
is not an encyclopaedia! "at the moment AI can only produce very
superficial things", according to Wayne
How does ChatGPT work? Holmes, associate professor at University
College London. Open AI has, however,
The programme has been 'trained' with already made available a tool to detect
billions of words and detects dominant whether texts have been written by AI. (A
combinations. It draws from Wikipedia feature that clever people have already
pages, books, newspaper articles but rushed to circumvent!)
also, more dangerously, from messages
on social networks, or transcripts of real This technological advance has of course
conversations (from a customer service triggered a race for supremacy between
department for example). But it is the giants of the Net. The competition is
disconnected from reality. He is unable to open between Google, Microsoft,
produce original research because he Amazon, Meta or Baidu who are each
does not know the facts. "He just says that developing their own conversational
this word is often positioned next to this agent.
other word, and he identifies a
relationship. If he had been invented in the More generally, artificial intelligence has
1950s, ChatGPT would have said that already entered our lives and is likely to
"smoking is good for you because that's disrupt several aspects of our societies.
what most people said at the time" But are we going to let it take all the
(Wayne Holmes). "ChatGPT doesn't reins?...
AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No.1, 2023-04 53
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