Page 43 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 43
Promoting Armenian culture in Switzerland
Interview with Irina Mnatsakanian
Geneva's jazz of several Swiss and one
lovers had the Aimenian musician. The idea Tn 2005, we organized an
unique opportuni- was to get the Swiss must- artistic event involving eleven
cians to interpret Armet'uan
ty of listening to Amienian artists, nine pau'+-
music, which was an u+teres-
contemporary ters and two sculptures, with
ting approach as it gave an more than fifty works of art at
Armenian jazz.
outsider's 'view of your own
the Bel-Air Fine Aat Gallery
traditions and heritage. We in Geneva.
Q: What is your ended up having a tremen-
dous perfonriance. We started There is a tendency to organi-
in Armet+ia in 2003, and then ze multi-disciplinary events,
I strongly believe that
the same series of concerts
because subconsciously we
art, culture and music
were extended to Bem and want to represent as many
are a considerable
Geneva in 2004.
facets of Aimenian culture as
force and tlie best way
possible. At the satne time, we
of representing our
Along w'th that, we organized
tty to co-ordinate them so that
countty, that we have
a retrospective exMbition of they big together different
many talented and the work of Sergei aspects of An'nenian culture.
creative artists deser-
Paradjanov, a famous Because we were represen-
ying to be represented
Georgian/Annenian fihn- ting modem Annenian artists
She is perliaps tlie youn- internationally . It is
make5 at the Musee des Arts -tlie younger generation -
gest among the ambassa- foitiu'iate that I lmow many of
de Gnitli. we thought about accotnpa-
them personally, so I guess
dor's spouses in Geneva
nyii'ig it with sotne kind of
this was yet another tnohva-
and she represents her We actually tried to combine musical event. My first
tion for becoining involved in
country alongside her such activity when I arrived many things. The concerts thought was about jazz, so my
husband, the here in Geneva. My musical were organized in such a collaboration with this group
manner that it was almost like
Ambassador of Armenia. started back in 2005. I
background also contributed a
amarathon, as each eventwas
However, she is also very tlioright that it was an interes-
great deal; I am a graduate of
immediately followed by ano- ting way to show contempo-
active in promoting the Yerevan State
ther in the counse of two days
rai'y art whicli is strongly
Armenian culture in Conservatory. This was a way -the fu'st concert started in based on tradition-they
Switzerland-whether of combining my love for art,
the aftemoon of day one, fol-
draw their inspiration from it
modern or traditional, cultiire and music with a cer- lowed by a reception with ai'id then develop it. hi that
tain ability for organizing
and particularly music of Annenian brandy and delica- respect, the jazz concert and
all kinds. We note that, cies . Then there was an eve- tl'ie art exhibition iiiterlinked
among other things, she ning concert. The next mor- well witli each other.
Q: You have organized
organized a huge exhibi- ning another concert. In the
other major events. How
meantime there were poehy Q: } was very impressed
tion of A,rmenian did it all start?
readings, etc. It had a huge that you organized severa}
contemporary art in ii'itpact!
concerts - not to mention
Geneva and few events, It all staited in 2003, two or
including a concert of tl'iree montlis after my arriyal
classical music in the in Geneva. The first event
was a concert at the United
Palais des Nations.
Nations featuring a renowned
' !
violiiffist Sergey Khachatrian.
In October 2006, she
In 2003-2004 we orgat'ffzed a
organized tliree concerts big project entitled tl'ie Swiss-
of a talented Armenia Ai'inenian Cultural
ethno jazz band, "Time Exclianges Project, which
Report" : one in the pres- consisted of four concerts
tigious New Morning given by Swiss andAtmentan
musicians. At that ti+ne the
Jazz Club in Paris; ano-
group was called Swiss
ther one in Lyon's Salle
Modei'ii, wliicli was later
Molliere; and finally one
renamed Paul Klee
here in Geneva at the Au
Ensemble. Tliis is a very
Chat Noir where talented ensemble conststutg
5 2006 Diva 41