Page 45 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 45
Green Valley in the snow: A White Christmas
Tbe name Green Valley is have enjoyed muneroris Marian veneration has toricli throrigl'i Bellevarix
known in several geograplucal, family celebrations iii the remaiiied strong as witnes- San Carlo association.
l'iistot'ical and literaiy contexts. true wonder and spii'it of a sed by tlie abundance of well
Close to liome, tlie Vall6e Vette Wlffte Cl'irishnas. maiiitaii'ied fan'iily oratories, A Wliite Cliristmas
is a place witli rolling lfflls and slniiies, cliapels and clirir-
peaks iii tlie region of Cliablais Bellevaux or lovely valley clies. Ii'i 1738 tlie parisli of At 1,000 metres, Les
bordering Switzerland and Bellevarix became a COIII- Moriilles is tlie liamlet wliere
France situated soutli of Lalce Set iii tlie heait of Cliablais, n'iune tliat flourisl'ies today our family traditionally cele-
Ij:man partly iii Haute-Savoie tlie naine Bellevaux is said witli responsibility for a brates tlie wonder and spirit
in France. Cliablais covers to mean lovely valley, or wide expanse of tei'ritoi'y iii of Clirishnas. Early snow
aroruid 993 sq. kilometres and 'belle vall6e' derived from tlie region. Its land space tliat continued to fall laid a
has moruitain peaks to arormd Latin 'bella vallis'. comprises many liamlets, tlffck blanlcet of wliite gold
2,500 metres. Medieval, milita- Cl'iroi'iicled as 'vei'y green', including Les Moriilles, aroruid tlie clialet and on tlie
ty, cultural, religious and otlier consisting of tliick forest, it accessible by road witl'i stu'rormdiiig Mls and peaks.
influences 011 the area and its was given tlie Clmistian coi'u'iectiiig sl6 facilities to Ill sub-zero temperahires,
people are well documented in name by religioris orders otl'ier resoits. tlie niglit stars twinkled brin-
lffstot'ical records tliat iiictude wl'io establislied tliere. One ging a glin'uner of liope for
extensive topograpliy, arclnve tiine propeity of tlie Iuke of An iiiterestiiig cliaracteristic peace and liappiiiess. Ii'i tlie
and detailed bibliograpliies Savoy, it remained isolated of Bellevaux is tlie local hue spii'it of Clu'istinas, we
aborit tlie region. rintil tlie first road was built association 'Bellevarix - San sliared orir tliouglits and
in 1880. Public scliooling Carlo'. Itmaiiitaiiis liincs bet- prayers witli tliose yormg
With links to major aii'poits, can'ie late and cl'iildren were ween Bellevarix and and old wl'io were absent tliis
and good rail and road connec- educated by families or Argentinean cousins many year from tlie ...Green
tions, tlie region is also sei'ved tbrorigli a tutor system. of WIIOIII left iii the nine- Valley in tlie snow.
by boats tliat ply tlie lake bet- teentli centiuy for otlier pla- ITA IVLiuctip'r
ween Switzerland and France. Ill tlie twelftli centiuy, two ces iii searcli of a better life.
It is a place that offers a variety religioris orders liad settled Large mm'ibers of tliem sai- Note.' All sour'cesof infor-
of seasonal leisure and pleasure in tlie valley, tlie led to j'Jentina wliere in mation are crclayowledged in
activities not least of wliicli are Benedictines (1136) 1857 tliey foruided tlie town the preparation of tiiis arti-
lit'ilced to tlie wliite gold and Bellevarix and tlie Cl'iaitreux of San Carlo de Noite. de.
qriality of its many renowned (1138) Vallon. A Eiglity per cent of its poprila-
and smaller family oi'iented slci Benedictiiie prioiy was esta- tion are said to be descen-
resoits. In a liamlet called Les blislied and iii tiine a Cluircli dants of tliose oi'iginal sett-
Moriilles, con'unune of of (ur Lady of tlie lers witli names and fan'iily
Belleyayix iii tlie Green Valley,I Assumption was edified. coi'inections wlio remain iii
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