Page 44 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 44

one    in    tlie    prestigious     New  project   aroruid   tliat   date.  appreciated.
                               Morning    Jazz   Club   in   Paris.   How
                               did   you   inanage    tliat?  EarlierI    already   liad   ceitaiii   pre-  Q:   What   is  your   next   project?
                                                            limiiiaiy    agi'eements    witli   Le
                  o            Last    year   tl'ie   group   played   in  Cl'iat   Noir   liere  in  Geneva,   and  I    am   ah'eady    ii'i   toricli   witli   tlie
                               Lausai'uie,   Fi'iboirg    and   Geneva.   Ii'i  tlien   r  began   to  collaborate    witli  i'nanagement     of    tlie    Verbier
                               Larisanne   tliey   played   iii   tlie   famoris  tlie   Armenian    Diaspora   in  Lyon.  Festival.    I    really   wisli   we  could
                  C            Clioi'iis   jazz   clrib   and  tlieir   success  In  tlie   end   it  worked   orit   and   we  con'ie   to  an  agreement    witl'i   tliem,I
                               encoru'aged   me   to  contiinie    to  woi'k  ended   rip  liaving   tl'iree   concerts  !lm   also   iii   touch   witli   tlie   manage-
                               witl'i   tliem.   I  tliouglit    tliat   tliey   are  in    tliree    differei'it  ment   of   tlie    Cinq   Continents
                               ceitainly    woitli   beiiig   known   to  as  places.   Of   corirse,   it  iiwolved    a  Festival    iii   Maitigny.    I   also  liaye
                               laige   a  priblic   as  possible,   aiid   after  lot   of  nuu'iing   around   and   travel-  fi'iends   WIIO  are  really   eager   to  see
                               doiiig   some   researcli   I  staited   nego-  liiig,   and   I  was  really   concei'ned  tl'ie  gi'orip   i+i  Londo+i   and  in  Italy.
                               tiatiiig   witli   tlie   New   Moming    Chib  aborit   tlie  musicians   becarise   it  Tliere   are   also   otlier   tliings    to
                               ii'i  Pai'is.   Of   corirse,   it  soruided   veiy  was   pl'iysically    veiy   tiriiig   to  h'a-  come,   but   I  worild   ratl'ier   wait   witli
                               ambitious.    Tlie   worst    tliig    tliat  vel   and  peifoi'in    on   tl'ie  same  announceinei'its    at  tlus   point.
                               corild   liappen   was  tliat   tliey   would  day.   However,    it   worked    orit  Leaving   Mrs   Ai'iibassador,    we  can
                               say  "no",   but   it  was   woitli   h'yiiig,   so  bearitifully.  only   wisli   lier   good    tuclc  in  lier
                               I  got   in  toricli   witli   tliem   at  tlie   end  fiiture   projects   and  liope   tl'iat  tliey
                               of   2005.   After   long    negotiations,  It   is   always   so  ovei'wliehning  will   be  as  successful   as   tlie  ones
                               tliey   finally   gave   ine  one  day,  and  and  gi'atifying    wlien   sometlffiig  slie   lias   already   oi'ganized.
                               tlien   I  staited   buildiiig    tlie   rest   oftlie  yori    presei'it    is
                 42  5  2006   Diva

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