Page 41 - DIVA_4_2006_No.27
P. 41

Sudanese            week   in  Geneva

                                               Interview        with   His  Excellency                          1

                                               Mohamed           Yousif   Abed   Allah,
                                        Minister       of   Culture,   Youth  and  Sports,


              Among   the  Sudanese,
                                       the  last   fifty   years   as   a  place
                                                              they   should    not   lose  the  conti'ibutions    of   the  rest  of
              he    is    known    as  of   war,  a   place   of   conflict,  connection    with   their   origins  theworld.    Therefore,   Italked
              "Sultan"   as   he   is   the  but  Sudan   is   a   nation.   The
                                                              and  the  place   from   where  to  the  Director   of   the  Swiss
              descendant     of    the  Sudanese   are  a people   with  a  they   come.   When   they   are  Agency   for  Intennational    Co-
              Sultan   of   Darfur,    a  history  going  backmore   than  present   here  we  would   like  operation,   and  he  now   has  a
              Sultanate   that   was   dis-  7,000    years.   Tl'iey    are    a  them  to be  good  representah-  copy   of  that   project.   We   will
                                       strong   nation   with   a  strong
              mantled   by  the  British                      ves  of   our   people.   Tliey  can  also  pursue   this  same  idea
                                       civilizat'on,    and  therefore   it
              in   1916   after   a   rule   of               tell   tlie   Swiss   how   good   the  with   the  Swiss   people.
                                       must   also  be  clear   that   this
              500     years.    His                           Sudanese   are  and   iii   this   way
              Excellency    is   not   only  tiny  pait   of  our  present  histo-  be  useful   to  both   comrnutu-  Q:  Do   you   have   a  message
                                       iy   will   soon   be  overcoine.  ties.       for   the  international    com-

              a man  of  culture,   but
              he   has  also  been   the
                                       Q:  You   said   that   you   have  Q:    You    also   the
              Chief   Negotiator    in  the                            are
                                       more   than   7,000   years   of  Minister    of   Youth    and  We  would   like   to  say  that the
              Abuja   Peace   Talks   bet-
                                       history.Are   you   now  trying  Sports.   Are   you   going  to  media   is   mostly   concentra-
              ween   the  Government
                                       to  market    this   to  the   rest of  discuss   these   subjects   with  ting    on    reporting     the
              and    the    Rebels    in  the   world    and   thereby  the  internationaJ  conflicts-making    news   out
              Darfur.   He   has   also                                      commu-
                                       attract    more   tourists?  nity   during   your   stay   here?  of   conflict.   We  would   like
              been   Minister   of  State
                                                                                      the  media   to  work   with   us  in
              for     Humanitarian     That's   one   pait    of  it.    We  Over   the  last  twelve   moths  the  area  of  building    peace   in
                                       worild   lilce  to   sell  this  rich
                                                              we  have   been  making   new  the  minds    of   people.   This
                                       histoiy   to    tlie   rest   of  the  plans   for   sports   development  means   focusing   on  the   peace
              Q:   What   is  your   reason   for  world.   We   are  also  saying   to
                                                              iii   the  coruihy.   We   now   have  culture,   on  the  reconciliation
              coming   to  Geneva?     tlie    people    living     in  a   clear   picture.   In  the  past,  issues,  On   peaceful   coexis-
                                       Switzerland    tl'iat   Sudan   is   a  we  had  some   problems   due  tence,   ontolerance    anddeve-
              We  are  coining   l'iere   to  inau-  multi-etbnic,     multi-racial,  to  conflict   in  tl'ie  counhy,   but  lopment   issues.  If  we   can
              gurate   the  Sudanese   Cultiiral  multi-religious,     multi-cultu-  now   all  of   these   pieces   are  concentrate   on  these  issues,
              Week   in  Geneva,   organized  ral  society,   and  all  these   dif-  coming    togetl'ier    and   we  we  are  sure   that   the  conflicts
              by   the  Sudanese   people   WIIO  ferent   ethiucities   are  expres-
                                                              would   like   to   reach   all  of  will   be  ininimized    and  peo-
              are  living   in  Switzerland.    We  sed    in    tliis    exhibitioxi.  tliese   places.    Spoits   for  ple  will   be  able  to  commtt
              would   like   to  biiiig   them   the  Therefore,    we    are    able  to  Peace  and  Developmet'it    -  themselves   in  areas  that   are
              culiure     of    Sudan,    tlieir  ruffte   orirselves   throrigh   the
                                                             we  would   like   to  unite   peo-  riseful   to  tliem   and  the  rest of
             "home"    culhire.   We  would  diversity   of   all  the  different
                                                             ple  tbrorigh   spoits   acttvthes  tlie   world.    Therefore,   we
              like   their   children   to  la'iow  peoples   living   in  Sudan.
                                                             and  we   would   like   people   in  would   like   to  invite   the inter-
              what   the   histoiy   of  Sudan   is,                                 national   coinmunity
                                                             different   parts   of  the  coruxhy     to  work
              wliat   is  the  nahire   of  the   peo-  Q:  You   said   earlier   that   you
                                                             to   iinprove    tliemselves   by  with   ris    on  the  Culture   of
             ple   li'viiig   iit   Sudan,    how  would    like    the   Sudanese  taking    exercise.    We   liave  Peace.
             those   great  people   of  the  past  living    in   Switzerland     to  presented   the   project   of  a
             were   able  to  sru'vive   and  to  knowmore    abouttheir   cultu-  low-cost   sports   infrashuctu-
             live   together.   It  is  also   a  way
                                      re.  Are   you   afraid   that   they  re  to  the   United  Nations,   and
             of   explainiiig    Sudanese   cul-  have    become     too  we  would   like  tlie  UN  to
             ture    to    the    people    of  "European)'?  conti'ibute    iii   building   the
             Switzerland,    wl'fflch  we  belie-            simplest    fonn    of   spotts
             ve  is  one  way   of   presenting  aniat   is  not   exactly   the  case,
                                                             iiasti'uctiu'e   in  war-affected
             ourselves   to  tlie   other   paits  but   we   feel   that   wl'ien   some-  paits   of  the  coruihy-in    the
             of  the   world.         body   is  liyii'ig   elsewliere  they
                                                             Soritli,   iii   tlie  East,   in  the
                                      adapt   to  the  con'unutty    in  West   and  iii   the  Noitb.   We
             Sudanhas  beenpomayedfor  which   they  are   liviiig.   But  worild    lilce   to    receive   the
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