Page 12 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 12

13. The United Nations and Geneva: the Present and the Future,
            Statement at the Diplomatic Club Luncheon-Debate, Geneva,
            16 February 1994......................................................................................................... 66
          14. Personal notes for the press conference to the Russian media on the
            proposal by the Russian Federation to establish a Diplomatic Services
            Bureau under the United Nations Office at Geneva, 4 March 1994
            (translated from Russian) ....................................................................................... 72
          15. From Promises to Success, Statement on the occasion of the
            International Women’s Day, Thursday, 8 March 1994 ....................................76
          16. Interview for the “Geneva News and International Report”,
            12-22 November 1994 ..............................................................................................81
          17. The Conference on Disarmament -The Single Multilateral
            Disarmament Negotiating Body of the International Community,
            Article, 22 November 1994 ..................................................................................... 85
          18. Statement on the UN5О in Geneva at the press conference,
            24 November 1994. .................................................................................................. 100
          19. The United Nations – Fifty Years in a Changing World, Article,
            November 1994 ....................................................................................................... 104
          20. Welcome Address to the Participants of the International Students'
            Forum, 5 December 1994 ..................................................................................... 109
          21. For Close Association of Business with International Decisions,
            Welcome Address to the Staff Meeting of Union des Banques Suisses,
            9 February 1995 .......................................................................................................113
          22. The United Nations in a Period of Global Change: from Romanticism
            to Critical Realism, Statement at the celebration of the 55th anniversary of
            the Association of Former International Civil Servants - Geneva,
            21 February 1995 ..................................................................................................... 116
          23. The UN is More than the Centre for Actions of its 185, Statement at the
            Meeting of Lions Clubs international, 6 March 1995 ..................................... 123
          24. The United Nations and Geneva: A Dynamic Relationship, written
            statement for the Comité pour le 50ème anniversarie de l’ONU,
            10 March 1995 ........................................................................................................... 129
          25. Opportunities for Tomorrow’s Leaders to Chart the Future Path of
            the United Nations, Welcoming Statement before the United Nations of
            the Future Conferences, 17 March 1995 ........................................................... 131
          26. The Response of the United Nations to the Current Global
            Civilizational Change, Welcoming Speech at the Opening Ceremonies of
            the Harvard World Model United Nations, 26 March 1995 (furthered by
            The United Nations: An Indispensable Global Instrument to Promote
            Peace, Development and Democracy”, welcoming Speech before the
            Know How Fund Diplomats Course 1996 of the Centre for Political and
            Diplomatic Studies, Palais des Nations, 6 June 1996 (only the Speech of the
            Harvard World Model UN is given in full) ....................................................... 134
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