Page 11 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 11
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1
-Bringing the Concept to Life .................................................................................. 5
1. Geneva: “Capital of Internationalism”, Address at the Lion Clubs Day,
8 March 1993 ................................................................................................................ 7
2. Talking Points at the Luncheon by the Committee of the Press
Correspondents' Association, 15 March 1993 .................................................... 13
3. Geneva: Europolis of PAX UN, Address during the luncheon by the
Conseil d Etat de la République et Canton de Genève et le Conseil
administrative de la ville de Genève, 17 March 1993 ........................................ 15
4. Statement on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Union of the
Administrative Executives of the Geneva Canton, March 1993 ..................... 18
5. Statement to the Geneva Group meeting at the US Mission 28 April 1993 ... 20
6. Geneva within the UN System, Address to the 31st Graduate Study
Program, 5 July 1993 ................................................................................................ 26
7. Statement at the luncheon offered by Mr. Adolf Ogi, President of the Swiss
Confederation, Bern, 7 September 1993 ............................................................. 31
8. Geneva as the Natural Habitat of Multilateral Diplomacy, Statement on
the occasion of the visit by Members of the Swiss Federal Chambers,
7 October 1993 (includes the message from the Secretary-General on the
same occasion) ........................................................................................................... 35
9. Statement at the concert by the State Council of the Republic and Canton
of Geneva and the Geneva City Council for United Nations Day,
23 October 1993 ........................................................................................................ 41
10. Strategic Triad of the New Era, Opening Lecture in the series "In Search
of a New World Order: Outlook and Obstacles", the Graduate Institute of
International Studies, 10 November 1993 ........................................................... 43
11. The United Nations in a Changing World – Pax Miltilateralis,
Statement at the Annual Dinner of Forum International GENEVE,
25 November 1993 ....................................................................................................52
12. Geneva International, Statement at the luncheon of the Association of
International Business Lawyers, 28 January 1994 .............................................. 60