Page 16 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 16

72. UPU as a Shining Example of International Cooperation, Address at
            the celebration of the 125th anniversary of the Universal Postal Union,
            Bern, 9 October 1999 ............................................................................................. 361
          73. Remarks at a dinner in honour of Ambassador Gyger, Permanent
            Representative of Switzerland to International Organizations in Geneva and
            Permanent Observer to the United Nations Office at Geneva,
            23 November 1999 ................................................................................................... 366
          74. Cooperation in Action: The Trademark of Geneva International,
            Statement on the occasion of the visit by the Members of the Foreign Policy
            Commission of the Swiss Foreign Ministry, 28 February 2000 ................... 368
          75. Opening Statement at the “Women Paging Peace” Round Table to
            commemorate International Women's Day, 8 March 2000 .......................... 374
          76. Address to the President of Switzerland Mr. Ogi, 22 March 2000 ............ 379
          77. Mass Media as a UN Partner: Geneva Perspective, Article for “Geneva
            News”, 20 April 2000 .............................................................................................. 381
          78. Statement to Information System Users Group of the Diplomatic
            Community, Press Release, 8 June 2000 ........................................................... 384
          79. Statement at the Graduation Ceremony, Collège du Léman, 17 June 2000 ... .387
          80. Director-General Petrovsky Pays Tribute to Switzerland’s William
            Rappard, Press Release, 29 June 2000 ................................................................393
          81. The Role of the United Nations in European Security, Remarks
            delivered at the Junior Swiss Diplomats' course in International and Swiss
            Security Issues, GCSP, Geneva, 30 June 2000 ................................................. 395
          82. The UN As a Center of Agreed Actions to Meet the Challenges of the
            New Millennium, Statement at the 38th Geneva Graduate Study Program,
            Palais des Nations, 3 July 2000 ............................................................................. 406
          83. Statement on the occasion of the exhibition entitled “La Liberté, une galère
            de 55 métres”, Hall des Pas Perdus, Palais des Nations, 31 July 2000 ........ 411
          84.  Preface to the Guide on the Palais des Nations, August 2000 ..................... 413
          85. Statement at the “Fete de la Communication” of the Swiss Press Club,
            Villa Pastorale, 31 August 2000............................................................................ 416
          86. The United Nations and Switzerland, Statement at the Swiss Forum for
            International Affairs, Geneva, 29 September 2000 ......................................... 418
          87. Les artistes genevois aux Nations Unies, Inaugural statement, Palais des
            Nations, 2 October 2000 ....................................................................................... 422
          88. Statement on the occasion of the exhibition entitled:“From Versailles to
            Locarno - from an imposed to a negotiated Peace”(1919-1925), Palais des
            Nations, 20 November 2000 ................................................................................ 424
          89. On the occasion of the “Museum for a world city” exhibition,
            Statement, Palais des Nations, 4 December 2000 ........................................... 426
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