Page 15 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 15

59. Knowledge is the Power of Geneva, Statement at the opening ceremony
                 of the renovated press Room No. 1, 1 December 1998 .................................. 302
               60. Reaffirming the Universality of Human Rights through the
                 Partnership between Governments and Civil Society, Statement at the
                 Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of
                 Human Rights, 10 December 1998 ..................................................................... 304
               61. Statement at the official ceremony in honour of the President of the Swiss
                 Confederation Ruth Dreifuss and in commemoration of the 50th
                 Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Bâtiment des
                 Forces Motrices, 10 December 1998 ................................................................ 308
               62. Dialogue and Cooperation: The Foundation of a General Assembly,
                 Opening Address for the Fifth General Assembly of the Students' League of
                 Nations, 14 December 1998 ................................................................................. 310
               63. United Nations: Problems and Prospects of Global Security,
                 Statement for the Geneva Centre for Security Policy's Special Course.
                 “Security Challenges at the Turn of the Millennium”, Institut Henri Dunant,
                 Geneva, 14 January 1999 ....................................................................................... 316
               64. Statement on the occasion of the “Scourge of Hyacinths” Opera, Bâtiment
                 des Forces Motrices, 17 January 1999 .............................................................. 334
               65. Statement for the opening of the exhibit "Le Palais Wilson au Palais des
                 Nations”, 19 January-26 March 1999 ................................................................. 336
               66. Message to the Business Humanitarian Forum (including the message
                 from the UN Secretary-General on the same occasion), Geneva,
                27 January 1999........................................................................................................ 338
               67. UN Humanitarian Response to Conflicts and Complex Emergencies,
                 Opening Address for “UN Day” at the International Diploma in
                 Humanitarian Assistance Course, Palais des Nations, 19 February 1999 .. 341
               68. Geneva International: Retrospect and Prospect. Speech, on the
                 occasion of the Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the Decision to
                 Declare Geneva the Seat of the League of Nations (29 April 1919), UNOG
                 Library, 23 April 1999 ............................................................................................ 346
               69. Geneva International: Triangle of Peace-Building and Crisis
                 Prevention, Press Conference Statement, 23 April 1999 ............................. 350
               70. For the Enhancement of a Mutually Enriching Partnership in Both
                 Qualitative and Quantitative Terms between the United Nations and
                 Switzerland, Welcoming Address before the Swiss President and a
                 Delegation of Swiss Diplomats, Palais des Nations, 26 August 1999 .......... 354
               71. Towards a Society for all Ages – from Words to Deeds, Statement on
                 the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons and the culmination
                 of the International Year of Older Persons, 2 October 1999 ........................ 358
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