Page 141 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 141
Bringing the Concept to Life
UN works with, and provides these materials to, teachers and educational
institutions that help promote the ideals of the Charter and empower people -
especially the young - to affect necessary changes in our world. Another
function that the United Nations excels in is facilitation or building consensus.
Convening international meetings forces governmental leaders and their
bureaucracies to address difficult issues. It generates increased public and
media interest that keeps the issues higher on the agenda than might otherwise
have been.
Certainly, this is the case with the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in
1992. Ideals expressed and accords signed at the Summit serve as important
public records. Grass roots organizations and other interested parties can - and
do - use these accords as а means to hold their Governments accountable. The
Earth Summit also contributed to the formation of global environmental
awareness. The International Conference on Population and Development,
held last year in Cairo, Egypt, expanded on the progress made in Rio. ICPD
emphasized the linkages between population and other sustainable
development issues such as health, employment, the status of women, and the
environment. А keystone of this arch of creative and cooperative conferences
will bе the World Summit for Social Development, which will provide а unique
opportunity to draw on the various efforts and undertake а coherent network
of action to deal with poverty, unemployment, and social integration.
Within the UN, the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) stands as
the most active centre for conference diplomacy in the world. More than 7,000
technical meetings on disarmament, trade, human rights issues, and high-level
political meetings are held at the Palais des Nations throughout the year. The
Secretary-General, many of his Special Representatives, and senior officials
throughout the Secretariat are at times using the Palais des Nations as а base
for conducting business. Indeed, in 1994, the Secretary-General spent а total of
five weeks at UNOG over six visits.
At the same time, UNOG continues to bе an increasingly important
operational base and nucleus for expertise and know-how among the more
than 40 distinct corporate entities in the United Nations system. UNOG is
becoming ever more active in supporting operations and events in Africa and
the Middle East. As an operational centre, Geneva coordinates the majority of
the Organization's humanitarian, trade and development activities. More and