Page 143 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 143
Bringing the Concept to Life
Department of Administration and Management has demonstrated clearly its
determination to devise solutions to the Organization's functional problems. ln
this context it has submitted to the General Assembly proposals for а new
procedure for better defining accountability and responsibility, providing for
clarity in the definition of goals and objectives, the efficient use of resources,
clear reporting lines and procedures, together with well-articulated and agreed-
upon standards of assessment.
Management together with staff representatives have agreed upon а new
performance appraisal system. The major aims of this system are to improve
both individua1 and organizational performance, to increase objectivity in
appraising staff, and to enhance communication between supervisors and staff
as to job responsibilities, performance goals and indicators. The system will
allow supervisors to identify those staff members who exhibit dedication,
initiative and excellence in carrying out their functions. In keeping with the
spirit of the Charter, the guiding principles are efficiency, competence and
Besides the renewed vigour, which I made reference to in my opening re-
marks, there have also been overexpectations regarding what the UN should do
- and is сараble of doing. Just as in art and literature, this period of romanti-
cism is being followed bу critical realism. In taking stock of the present and
preparing for the future, the Secretary-General has determined that for the UN
to become more responsive to the needs of its constituents - the Member
States - it must propose difficult choices that would reduce or eliminate some
programmes that are no longer essential or whose mandate is better fulfilled
elsewhere. Implementing these changes would also reduce staffing require-
ments that will occur through attrition. The overall target of а 10 per cent
reduction is both dоable and desirable.
I have focused а good part of my talk before you today оn the role of the
staff in the United Nations, and of reform efforts, because the expertise of the
women and men who make up the Oтganization remain an underutilized
resource. As former staff members of the Organization, you possess critical
knowledge and important skills and experiences that саn benefit others - both
outside and inside the UN system. I urge you and your colleagues that are
established all over the world to reach out to the public, academia,
nongovernmental and religious organizations, and even Governments and