Page 147 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 147

Bringing the Concept to Life

               Moreover, its impact is not yet properly understood. However, it is obvious
               that these new channels of information interchange have considerable influ-
               ence оn the opinion and, accordingly, the political behavior of some very
               dynamic social strata.

                  8. In short, the international system in its current state resembles а piano
               which is out of tune and makes terrible sounds whatever melody one plays. For
               five decades the UN was the world's major tuner. It dealt with all the major
               issues which the international соmmunity was facing - реасе keeping and peace
               promotion in all  aspects, economic and social development, and support of
               human rights and democratic institutions. However, today the UN is standing
               at а crossroads and most Member  States do not know which  way the
               Organization should bе headed. This period of uncertainty is understandable.
               History has shown that it takes several years after major political events before
               the new system, new rules and new  institutions could bе put in place.
               Meanwhile, the Organization needs all the support it саn mobilize to соре with
               the problems of the transitional period.

                  9. Traditionally, the UN was perceived, and in fact has been primarily an
               inter-governmental organization. However, if we recall the opening words of
               the UN Charter: "We, the Peoples of the United Nations ... ", it will become
               obvious that the World Organization is supposed to bе much more than the
               centre for agreed actions of its 185 Member States. The UN should bе not only
               an organization for politicians and diplomats but should also have links of
               communication with all social groups - non-governmental and religious
               organizations, labour unions, and the business community.

                  10. The non-governmental organizations, among which the International
               Association of Lions Clubs  is the world's largest service organization, well­
               known for its unselfish dedication to humanity, are  no less equipped to
               represent the interests of the peoples' than the governmental bodies. The
               United Nations and the non-governmental organizations are vital partners, and
               our aim should bе to strengthen and expand this partnership.

                  11. The formal basis for the cooperation between the UN and the NGOs is
               provided for bу Article 71 of the Charter. Ever since the establishment of the
               United Nations, а collaborative relationship has been established between the
               UN and the NGOs. This cooperation has included provision of experts and
               resource personnel; joint sponsorship of technical assistance projects in devel-
               oping countries; distribution of information obtained from the United Nations

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