Page 149 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 149

Bringing the Concept to Life

                  16. Last year the UN General Assembly adopted а resolution urging the
               countries which manufacture landmines to stop their export. Recently the UN
               Secretary-General established а special fund to help finance demining. It is а
               good opportunity for non-governmental organizations to assist the UN in this

                  17. It will take too much time if I list all the problems where the UN needs
               the help of the non-governmental organizations. А destabilized world is
               abundant with suffering and despair. То my deep regret, one of the regions of
               the world where people are now suffering is the territory of the former Soviet
               Union. The armed conflicts in Tajikistan, Georgia, Nagorny Karabakh,
               Moldova, and Chechnya caused thousands of victims and hundreds of
               thousands of refugees. Even in many of those republics, which were fortunate
               to avoid social or ethnic conflicts,  national economies are continuously
               deteriorating, affecting the most vulnerable, а majority of whom are women,
               children and elderly. Efforts to facilitate economic development are inhibited
               bу the lack of resources or expertise. Let me give you just one example.

                  18. А  few  month  ago  the  President  of  the  Republic  of  Kyrgyzstan,
               Mr.  Akayev,  visited  Geneva  for  consultations  with  the  Heads  of  the  UN
               specialized  agencies. Among the problems which were discussed - one is
               particularly typical.  Due  to  the  geographical  location  of  Kyrgyzstan,  which  is
               like  Switzerland,  а  mountainous  and  land-locked  country,  and  because  of  the
               disruption of the regional infrastructure, there is а considerable problem with
               communications. The country is semi-isolated from the outside world and
               during winter some of its regions are practically inaccessible. Kyrgyzstan
               experts believe that the best solution to  this problem is to set up а national
               computer telecommunications network. The Government started the project
               and to finalize it they need approximately eight hundred thousand dollars. For
               an industrially developed country such budgetary allocation is hardly
               noticeable. However, for Kyrgyzstan this is а big problem.

                  19. One  of  the  important  recent  trends  in  the  UN  relations  with the
               non­governmental  organizations  is  the  new  interest  in  cooperation with  the
               business  community.  During  the  Cold  War  the  UN  was  reluctant to establish
               close ties with the private sector. Today, however, the situation has  started  to
               change.  In  his  statement  before  the  World  Economic Forum  in  Davos  in
               January  this  year  the  UN  Secretary-General, Mr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali,
               specifically stressed:

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