Page 39 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 39
Bringing the Concept to Life
given rise to what is known in the world as "the spirit of Geneva". A living
model of democracy exists here in Geneva, and the City of Calvin could serve
as an example for our changing world. Geneva has sometimes been compared
to a museum of modern civilization, but it is a living museum.
From Geneva, ideas of peace, justice and progress spread throughout the
world. The experiment in international relations, of which Geneva is the scene,
concerns every human being. Geneva represents a tremendous investment by
the human race for its own survival. I therefore feel more assured that Geneva
could become a Europolis in the new PAX UN.
To make Geneva the real centre of this new emerging internationalism, I
am ready to encourage the closest cooperation between Geneva, its official
representatives, its citizens and the international community. It is my
intention to open the doors of the Palais des Nations, to encourage common
intellectual and cultural undertakings in Geneva and to stimulate creativity
between the United Nations and the City of Geneva. With the support of the
Republic and Canton of Geneva and of the Administrative Council of Geneva,
we can strengthen the links between the left bank and the right bank of the city
of Calvin, between our international community and your citizens. One
excellent occasion could be the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations, in
1995, and we could envisage setting up a kind of joint highlevel venture to
think about the activities to be undertaken, be they official ceremonies,
academic discussions, exhibitions or concerts. I am sure I can count on your
full support to make this commemoration a memorable event on 26 June, date
of the signing of the United Nations Charter and on 24 October, our United
Nations Day, and a renewal of Geneva as a centre of cooperation.
Mr. President,
When the League of Nations was inaugurated in your City, the President
of the Geneva Council of State addressed the population of the City on 29
April 1919. Referring both to the bright prospects opening up before Geneva
and to the heavy responsibilities in store for it, he called on its inhabitants to
welcome its illustrious guests in the League of Nations and, thus, to perform a
service for mankind. More than 70 years later, it is gratifying to note that his
words did not fall on deaf ears.
Thank you, Mr. President.