Page 72 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 72

100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International

          leadership. Nobody has a monopoly for quality of  foreign  policy and
          diplomacy. The contribution of the  State to collective diplomacy depends
          upon its traditions and culture, as well as the abilities of the individuals who
          determine and conduct foreign affairs.

              22. The conduct of collective leadership is not an easy task. In fact, this is
          an entirely new phenomenon in the history of international relations. It will
          require  the  further  democratization of the UN's major bodies; it will  also
          require the improvement and refining of techniques of multilateral interaction.
          Responsibility should  become a catchword for collective leadership  in  our
          turbulent times. And last but not least,  it  should be based on moral
          assumptions different from those which governed the actions of the political
          leaders of the past.

              23. I  would like especially to emphasize the moral aspects  of  collective
          leadership.  It  seems that  human civilization  has  reached  a  stage  in  its
          development where moral considerations, as well as ethics in general, can and
          should become the driving force in international politics. There is nothing that
          unites people more than the common understanding of what is evil and what is
          good. And there is nothing that divides them more than a separate group or
          national ethical norms which deprive an alien of human dignity and the right to
          be treated as an equal. Very often, the importance of morals in social processes
          is  underestimated. Some schools  of  thought even  insist  that morality  has
          nothing to do with political reality. World affairs are considered to be the realm
          of  power, coercion  and  conducting national interests.  In  fact,  this  has never
          been true.

              24. From  time  immemorial, morality  has  had  a  considerable  impact  on
          foreign policy. The most cruel conquerors acted within the framework of their
          value system and always justified their deeds by references to ethical norms.
          Even during the darkest periods of human history, it was a rare aggressor who
          admitted that he had  attacked his neighbour simply  out  of greed  or for any
          other immoral motive.

              25. The interdependence of the contemporary world stretches further than
          just economic and social  spheres  covering ethics  as  well.  For  centuries,
          humankind has shared some basic moral values. The Ten Commandments in
          Judaism and Christianity, Shariah in Islam,  as  well  as ethical  codes of many
          other religions and spiritual teachings, contain sets of essentially similar rules of
          behaviour which have eternal value and are applicable both to individuals and

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