Page 75 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 75

Bringing the Concept to Life

                  So today, what I would like to do  is  share with you some of  my
               observations about the new UN in the hope that they will help you to better
               understand what this Organization is really about.

                  2. Almost fifty years ago, the United Nations was created both to preserve
               peace and as a symbol of peace. And whilst it really does work for peace, it does
               so in a way which its founders could never have imagined. Ironically, at first
               glance, the UN now resembles  a sort of  major world  military power. It has
               under its control armed contingents comprising a total of some 80,000 troops,
               which is comparable to the armed force of a medium-sized country. Take, for
               example, the armed force of Portugal which comprises about 87,000 personnel.

                  Unlike other  countries of the world, these UN military contingents are
               permanently engaged in operations all  over the globe. The Organization  is
               currently conducting peace-keeping operations, some of which - such as those
               in Somalia or the former Yugoslavia - are on a very large scale. In addition,
               unlike national military structures  with  huge defense establishments, UN
               operations are controlled by a small civilian staff of some two dozen people at
               UN Headquarters in New York. Sometimes the Organization rather resembles
               the lonely sheriff in an American western film - fighting a dozen bad guys at
               once while the local inhabitants watch from a safe distance.

                  3. The UN assumed this function in an attempt to ensure that warring par-
               ties observe  the cease-fire agreements  which have been reached. This
               peace­keeping role is not even envisaged in the Organization's main document,
               the UN Charter, although this does contain two chapters dealing with related
               subjects: Chapter VI, dealing with peaceful means of settlement of disputes;
               and Chapter VII, authorizing the Organization to use force to restore interna-
               tional peace. During the cold car, the confrontational situation prevented the
               international community from either taking action under Chapter VI or react-
               ing promptly when conflicts were still in their initial stages and thus susceptible
               to resolution by diplomatic means. This also prevented the UN from enforcing

                  The Organization was, therefore, only able to intervene once the conflict
               had already developed to the point of open hostilities and troops had to be
               used mainly to separate the warring factions. For this  reason, peace-keeping
               operations are sometimes called "measures in accordance with Chapter six and
               a half"!

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