Page 11 - DIVA_1_2016
P. 11
tries and even some people and com- more trade, more transport and
mentators say that development aid "You now see that more tourism. This will also contrib-
is something from the past. I totally ute to peace. That is why we have a
disagree. I think international trans- with development aid deep-rooted belief and mandate that
fers between rich and poor, and ful- by enabling countries to cooperate
filling the rights of people, are need- you have on a vast number of issues - from
ed to a far larger extent. We see it in managed to transport and trade standards to en-
all countries. In my own country, we vironmental conventions - we will
have internal transfers between those establish a strong help to shape peace and progress in
parts of Denmark where growth is the UNECE region. What we see to-
good and those parts that are lagging foundation for day is, of course, quite the opposite!
behind for one reason or another. We We see that countries are breaking
carry out these transfers in Denmark education and health ties, building barriers and imposing
because we believe that all citizens sanctions, and we know that with our
have the same rights— and should care that allows these mandate and history that this is not
enjoy the same quality of education, the direction that Europe should be
health care, shelter, assistance to countries to take off taking. We need to reverse this trend.
the elderly, etc. The same approach and finally create In the long run, we need to provide
is needed internationally. We need stronger ties, more integration and
stronger international transfers to progress and more cooperation throughout our
ensure that all citizens can enjoy the region. We believe that the twenty-
basic human rights they are entitled hopefully peace." fifth anniversary of independence for
to and to create progress and peace in many of these countries and also our
all parts of the world. seventieth anniversary in 2017 is an
more countries are taking off; we now opportunity to remind people of the
Q: One of the criticisms of the "Scan- expect ten countries to leave the group historic vision that shaped UNECE
dinavian" development assistance of least-developed countries. It has - what was behind the creation of
is that it never reaches the constitu- been a long process. Many things have UNECE after the Second World War.
ency where it was supposed to go, but gone wrong, many projects have failed The Conference in Minsk, if sup-
tend to end up in the pockets of some and money has ended up in the wrong ported by our Member States, is an
key actors. What do you say when pockets for sure, but you have to take opportunity to focus once again on
they confront you with this kind of the risk You now see that with devel- our historic vision, and to strengthen
reproach? opment aid you have managed to es- economic integration for the benefit
tablish a strong foundation for educa- of our countries and our citizens.
If you look at it, there are extremely tion and health care that allows these
strong and positive results from de- countries to take off and finally create Q: Finally, as head of UNECE, where
velopment assistance. We have, for progress - and hopefully peace. do you wish to see your organization
instance, managed to vaccinate al- in a couple ofyears' time?
most all children in the world against Q: 2016 is an important year since
childhood ailments. The driving force many of the former Soviet Republics Well, I believe that through the sus-
behind this achievement was develop- will celebrate twenty-five years of in- tainable development goals we have
ment aid; in this way we have man- dependence. I believe in September a huge potential to share the regional
aged to save the lives of 5 to 6 million 2016 you are planning to organize public goods that we have developed
children a year. This is just one exam- an international conference in Minsk with the rest of the world. I hope
pie among many. It is true, of course, on economic integration within the and trust that we can do a good job
that you cannot link the level of devel- Eurasia region. What do you expect in helping our countries in the im-
opment aid in a simple way to growth to achieve? plementation of historical sustain-
and prosperity, but with development able development goals. This is the
aid we have now managed to create The historic mandate of UNECE is key agenda for us; we are strongly
some basic conditions in the world to promote economic cooperation focused on it throughout the entire
- health, education and infrastruc- in the region. It was a strong belief organization. We are an unpolished
ture - and if the countries them- after the Second World War that, if pearl and we are doing our best to
selves have governance structures and we achieved stronger economic col- polish it, and that is a position I
leadership that promote growth, then laboration and integration among hope that we will achieve in a cou-
we see significant progress. More and countries, progress would follow: ple of years from now.