Page 13 - DIVA_1_2016
P. 13
The most
important task is
to fully realize the
position of
countries that are
a natural transit
bridge between
Europe and Asia.
environmental friendliness of trans- The most important task is to fully re- further expansion of infrastructure
port infrastructure, its closer proxim- alize the advantageous geographical through the main thoroughfares,
ity to the reality of the current global position of countries that are a natu- connecting routes and hubs in the
development, meeting new modern ral transit bridge between Europe East-West and North-South. The
requirements. Particular empha- and Asia. Located at the crossroads priority in this regard is the con-
sis was placed on the importance of of North-South and East-West, as struction of an extensive complex,
taking into account the needs of de- the entire region of Central Asia and combined infrastructure of transport
veloping countries, including those the Caspian Basin, Turkmenistan, is links and transit, covering the spaces
that are landlocked. The value of the a strong element of strategic stability of continental Eurasia with access to
Ashgabat Declaration consists in the in the southern belt of Eurasia, and the sea terminals of the Black Sea and
fact that it has brought important is a promising economic partner for Baltic regions, South and South-East
new priorities in the work of the European and Asian countries, as Asia and Middle East. In the future,
Community of Nations and became well as a major energy and transport this opens up the possibility of join-
a fundamental document for the and transit hub of continental impor- ing the international transport infra-
development of the first UN Gen- tance. This becomes an important structure in the south and east with
eral Assembly resolution "The role factor of the development of export- access to China, India, Pakistan and
of transport and transit corridors to import and transit opportunities of countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
ensure international cooperation for Turkmenistan. In view of this, Turk-
sustainable development' which was menistan has identified development The use of the Kazakhstan-Turkmeni-
adopted on 19 December 2014. of transport infrastructure as one of stan-Iran railway is greatly important
the absolute priorities of the state in the formation of the international
By opening access to markets and policy of the country. transport corridor North-South,
supply chains, transport plays a key which provides the shortest way from
role in socio-economic development For the purpose of effective imple- the north-western areas of Europe to
and serves the engine for sustainable mentation of its capacities, Turk- the Persian Gulf through the network
growth. Because of this, transport menistan is guided by long-term of railways of Russia, Kazakhstan,
has an impact on social, economic programs aimed at ensuring the Turkmenistan and Iran.
and environmental sustainability and competitiveness of the national
is one of the factors of its software. transport and communication com- The transport corridor Uzbekistan-
And as noted above, transport is of plex on the world market, as well Turkmenistan-Iran-Oman is de-
paramount importance in the 2030 as the progressive integration into signed to facilitate further expansion
Agenda for sustainable development. the world transport system, and the of mutually beneficial trade and eco-