Page 16 - DIVA_1_2016
P. 16
Together f.,,, - Safer World
In recent decades global development es of natural and man-made disasters in quences of natural and man-made disas-
has been characterized by a significant peacetime is of the utmost importance. ters, as well as helping civil populations
increase in the economic and social im- during humanitarian crises. This is the
pact of disasters. According to the 2015 Armed conflicts also represent a threat International Civil Defence Organisation
World Disasters Report there were 317 to sustainable development. These events (ICDO), with its headquarters in Geneva.
natural catastrophes worldwide in 2014, have taken new forms and have direct re-
affecting 94 countries. Almost 107 mil- percussions on civil populations. A recent ICDO has been closely associated with
lion people have suffered from these dis- crisis in Europe caused by the unprec- Switzerland since the beginning. In 1931
asters and economic losses were estimat- edented influx of refugees from war-torn the Association of "Geneva Zones" (As-
ed at US$99.2 billion. There is little doubt areas is posing new challenges to the inter- sociation des <<Lieux de Genève>>) was
that climate change will lead to a further national community. According to a Unit- founded in Paris by the French Surgeon-
increase in the frequency and severity of ed Nations estimate, in 2015 more than 78 General Georges Saint-Paul. He was the
hazards and the number of people ex- million people from twenty-two countries first to propose the idea of creating safety
posed to them. found themselves involved in the biggest areas, or "neutralized zones' in countries
humanitarian crises of our times and were involved in hostilities where civilians -
The progress of many years of develop- in need of humanitarian assistance. in particular women, children, the eld-
ment can be wiped out by a major catas- erly and the infirm - could seek refuge
trophe. It is therefore necessary to con- Switzerland is the country that hosts one in times of war. He also advocated the
sider natural and technological risks as a of the oldest organizations in the world protection of historical monuments and
serious obstacle to sustainable develop- whose aim is to ensure the development cultural assets during war or conflict.
ment. In these circumstances, protection of civil defence and means of protecting In 1937 the headquarters of this organi-
of the population against the consequenc- the civilian population from the conse- zation was transferred to Geneva where
it received a new name: the International
Training exercises Association of Geneva Zones. The main
for civil defence reason for this transfer was the Swiss
Government's policy to respect, protect
and meet the basic needs of civilian pop-
ulations. In 1949 the efforts of the Swiss
Government were crowned with success
and a diplomatic conference was con-
vened during which the fourth Geneva
Convention - relative to the protection
of civilians in time of war - was adopted
and signed. The fourth Convention en-
visages safety zones and localities for the
civilian population. This was an impor-
tant contribution to the protection of the
rights of civil population.
In 1958 the International Association of
Geneva Zones became the International
Civil Defence Organisation (ICDO) and
was given the status of a non-governmen-
tal organization. Today, with its fifty-five
Member States, nineteen observer states
and a constantly increasing number of af-
filiated members, ICDO has come a long
way since its creation by General Saint-
Paul eighty-five years ago. Its main goal is