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sommaire                                                                                                                editorial

                 4    Chawki Abdelamir                   36  A Symphony of Coffee
                 nouveau Directeur général, et           Culture from Baghdad to the
                 nouveau cap pour l’Institut du          Bustle of America
                 monde arabe
                                                         38  Dr. Saad Al Masoudi
                 12  Interview with                      Le journaliste qui touche les cœurs
                 Professor Dr Alaa Al-Alaq
                 Director General of the Department      40  Joan Marie Kelly, artist,
                 of Cultural Relations                   social anthropologist, ethnologist                                                    If the monuments could speak
                                                         and an activist
                 14  Baghdad’s Global Summit:                                                                                                  "Can you imagine," my colleague said one day, "if   to  play  while  they  were  on  duty.  The  famous
                 Uncovering a Harmony of Ideas and       46  Interview with                                                                    the monuments could speak? I’m sure they could   archeologist Irvin Finkel of the British Museum
                 Unity                                   Loubna Yassen                                                                         teach us many things."                     believes  it  is  a  copy  of  the  game board  of  the
                                                         Dutch-Syrian artist                                                                                                              Royal Game of UR. Through his diligent study of
                 18  Interview with                                                                                                            During  a  recent  visit  to  Iraq  and  the  Baghdad   cuneiform writing,   he   has managed   to
                                                                                                                                               Museum,  I  discovered  the  rich  and  impressive
                                                                                                                                                                                          rediscover the rules of the game so that it can be
                 Dr Irvin Finkel                         49  Meet  Dr Saaib Ghazi                                                              history of Mesopotamia while walking around in   played again, some 3,500 years later.
                 Curator in the British Museum           an outstanding Iraqi Canadian                                                         this historical sanctuary, feeling so humble at the
                 in London                               Filmmaker                                                                             thought  of these  people who once lived in  this   So, today we can sit in our living rooms and play
                                                                                                                                               land and knew and used these items in their daily   a game that people in ancient Iraq used to play
                                                                                                                                               lives.                                     during their hours of leisure. Isn’t that fantastic!
                 26  The Oldest Board Game – the         53  Ghani Alani
                 Royal Game of Ur – was it the first     le maître de la calligraphie                                                          Since  time  immemorial, there  have  been  bouts   Dr  Finkel  says  in  his  interview  that  there  are
                 game of strategy?                       contemporaine arabe                                                                   of turmoil  of  all  sorts  in  this region, sometimes   approximately 130,000 clay tablets in the British
                                                                                                                                               --  as  recently  --  appallingly  destructive.   Museum,  and  that  they  give  us  all sorts of
                 32  Interview with                                                                                                            Since  the  1991  Gulf  War,  one  of  the  most   information  on  how  people  were  living  then  –
                 Faik Al-Aboudi                                                                                                                destructive, people have often suffered terribly.   business letters, love letters, and all kinds of other
                                                                                                                                               Some  were  forced  into  exile  with  their
                                                                                                                                                                                          information including how to get rid of ghosts.
                 painter and designer                                                                                                          sorrows  and losses,  whereas  the  ones  who
                                                                                                                                               remained suffered their own losses, including the   Perhaps we  should  pause  and put  things  in
                 34  The National Museum of Iraq                                                                                               loss of  their  loved  ones,  while hardship engulfed   perspective. We were not the first people on the
                                                                                                                                               their   world.   Today,   things   are obviously   planet and hopefully we'll not be the last ones. So,
                                                                                                                                               improving in Iraq, and it is reassuring to see such   perhaps the time  has finally come for  us to  start
                                                                                                                                               progress in  the  country. Indeed,  a new  Iraq   reflecting upon what, of all that we have accomplis
                                                                                                                                               is visibly in the making.                  hed, we shall leave to future generations. While we
                                                                                                                                                                                          do not have a Royal Game of UR to allow future
                                                                                                                                               The  museum  has  opened  its  doors  again  to   generations to know our culture and civilization as
                                                                                                                                               visitors.  Some  of  the  stolen  archeological   we learn about Mesopotamia and its rich past, we
              The views expressed are the     Mailing address:               Editor: Marit Fosse                                               pieces  have  been  returned,  although  there   do have our own broad and deep cultural heritage,
              responsibility of the authors and do   DIVA International Diplomat  Deputy editor: Evelina Rioukhina                             are  many  that were  lost  to  the country  during   including the immense fruits of our literacy -- our
              not necessarily reflect the views   p/a Salle de Presse 1                                                                        the  war.  The Iraqi authorities, together  with   own  version  of  the  130,000  clay  tablets.  Rather
         ®    of DIVA                         Palais des Nations             Graphic Design: Iris Hariz                                        UNESCO     and   INTERPOL, have   done an   than devoting ourselves to mindless consumerism,
                                              1211 Geneva 10
                                                                                                                                               impressive job, resulting in the return of many of
                                              Tel: +41 22 917 43 01          Contributing to this issue:                                       the stolen artifacts.                      we  might  be  well  advised  to  focus  on  our
                                                                                                                                                                                          accomplishments and how best to pass along to
              DIVA International is a publication                            Robert J. Parsons, Alfred de Zayas,                                                                          those coming after us -- as priceless a legacy as
              of Graficim Media Ltd           E-mail:                        Pierre-Michel Virot, Annegret Matari,                             On one  of  a  pair  of  colossal  lamassus  from   what we have from ancient Mesopotamia.
              29 Linconl’s Inn Field, Holborn,  Jean-Michel Wissmer,                                            the Palace of Sargon II at Khorsabad (in modern-   Upon this note, I wish you all a nice day!
              WC2A3EE, England                                               Christian David, Veronique Vesval,                                day Nineveh Governorate),  there  is  a  sketch
                                                                             Daniel Albertini Milord.                                          of  a  game  that  the  guards  of  the  Temple  used   Marit
              ISSN: 1660-1934

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