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Festive and bold: the indonesian way
of Celebrating independence day
August holds special significance for all This year, the first part of the celebration was
Indonesians, as the nation of 270 million people a formal Flag Ceremony held on the exact
celebrates its 79th Independence Day. Since the date of Independence Day, August 17th. For
historic declaration of independence in 1945, Indonesians, witnessing the Indonesian flag being
the word merdeka, meaning "freedom," has raised is a humbling, if not chilling, experience,
echoed through the generations. This powerful accompanied by the sound of cannon blasts
chant embodies the enduring spirit of liberation that emulate what must have been felt on that
and unity, a cherished part of the Indonesian fateful day in 1945 when the Founding Fathers
identity—one that is lived, celebrated, and never proclaimed the nation’s independence.
taken for granted.
Ceremony participants dress impeccably, in
That’s why, when Independence Day approaches, sharp contrast to their everyday attire, opting
Indonesians—no matter where they are in for either formal wear or traditional clothing
the world—eagerly anticipate the series of from their respective regions. With a nation that
Independence Day festivities, mostly organized boasts hundreds of ethnicities, the ceremony
by Indonesian diplomatic missions abroad. becomes a colorful display of cultural richness.
These celebrations are an opportunity to gather, It is a powerful reminder that diversity is not
celebrating with immense joy and gratitude, a barrier to unity but rather a unifying force,
and reflecting the enduring pride in the nation’s perfectly encapsulated in Indonesia's national
sovereignty. motto, “Unity in Diversity.”
This is especially evident in places far from The second part of the festivities, which
home, like Geneva, Switzerland. The Permanent offers a stark contrast to the solemnity of
Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the the Flag Ceremony, is the Pesta Rakyat, or
United Nations in Geneva plays a vital role in "Indonesian Festival" in English. This segment
keeping the spirit of Indonesia alive and vibrant of the celebration truly embodies the pinnacle
among the Indonesian diaspora, consistently of joy and happiness associated with Indonesia’s
organizing a series of Independence Day Independence Day.
activities each year.
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h