Page 31 - Bulletin, Vol.78 No.3, October 2019
P. 31


                                                                                     By Odette FOUDRAL

               Topics  for  discussion  during  friendly  meetings  are  not  lacking:  heatwave,  Brexit,
               Amazonia, climate, and of course Greta Thunberg.

               What is certain is that we live in the age of the supremacy of instant computing.

               What to think of the Twits of a certain .... How did you already say ... Donald Trump!

               I prefer, however, to have a little perspective. That's what led me to change the photo
               on the cover page. All of us were challenged as former international civil servants by
               Greta Thunberg's virulent diatribe at the United Nations Forum at the Climate Summit.

               But with a bit of hindsight we are a bit more dubious: why only tackle Europe when the
               United States withdrew from the Climate Convention, the Amazon and the Arctic forests
               are burning and Sumatra is sinking into the ocean.

               Far from me the idea of denying this young girl’s first impulses but now she seems to be
               instrumentalised, not to mention the blow of bluff and the real cost of sailing across the
               ocean in the name of the environment.

               She  was  given  the  status  of  being  a  whistle-blower  who  at  last  called  for  concrete
               actions, although the subject was often debated and this for a long time by a certain
               Jacques Chirac. She’s now just a media puppet.

               In this issue, we resume articles on the climate summit hoping that some things finally
               move before the earth explodes. And if, at our level, we boycott the products of Brazil,
               would not it be our contribution to the ecology!

                                                                              Translation: Michèle VIEILLE

                                                      IN BRIEF

                                      Some information which seems important

                                                                                     By Odette FOUDRAL

                                                     Social activities

               We  were  able  to  resume  the  lunches  for  AAFI-AFICS  members  thanks  to  Carol
               Cosgrove-Sacks. You will be able to register if the menu displayed on the inside page
               suits you.

               AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 78 No. 3, 2019-10                                               27
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