Page 2 - Pediatric Ambulatory Care Center_Sep.2022
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Soroka                                           Soroka Medical Center is the only major medical

          Medical Center                                            center in the  entire Negev region,  and one  of
                                                                    Israel’s  largest,  most  advanced,  and  most  active
                                                                    hospitals. As a tertiary referral and trauma center,
          An Overview                                               we provide care to a population of more than one
                                                                    million people in a region that accounts for 60% of
                                                                    the country’s total land area.

                                                                    Soroka is a strategic asset of the State of Israel
                                                                    and the country’s “iron dome of health” in routine
                                                                    times  and  during  emergencies  for  civilians  and
                                                                    IDF soldiers alike.  Soroka is recognized for its
                                                                    excellent  clinical care and  leads  the  country  in
                                                                    many  areas, including genetics,  obstetrics and
                                                                    gynecology, infection control, and emergency care
                                                                    and preparedness.

                                                                    The  Saban Pediatric Medical Center  at Soroka
                                                                    Medical Center  is the second largest children's
                                                                    hospital  in Israel,  with more than  200  hospital
                                                                    beds, 40,000 visits to the Pediatric ER, and tens
                                                                    of  thousands  of  visits  to clinics and  outpatient
                                                                    facilities.  All services  in the  subspecialties
                                                                    are provided in designated areas  adapted to
                                                                    children's needs.  The  Saban  Pediatric Medical
                                                                    Center  at  Soroka  serves  a  population  of
                                                                    approximately 400,000  children throughout  the
                                                                    Negev with morbidity characteristics  unique  in
                                                                    Israel and the world for which we have developed
                                                                    special  skills:  metabolic  diseases,  eye  diseases,
                                                                    neurological diseases, and others.

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