Page 7 - Pediatric Ambulatory Care Center_Sep.2022
P. 7

The area also includes the Pediatric Ambulatory Care        or medical discussions among doctors take place in
        Unit  for  children  suffering  from  various  infections.   the too-public setting of a treatment room due to a
        Pediatric oncology patients are immuno-compromised          lack of dedicated space for this purpose. Moreover,
        and should not be exposed to infectious patients in         there is a need for spaces for cultural and educational
        the waiting room.                                           activities, games, and school rooms for young patients
                                                                    who are receiving treatment.
        Under the current circumstances, for example,
        one child may have to vacate his or her bed so that         This situation makes it impossible to provide sick
        another child can be treated. The privacy of patients       children with optimal treatment and the privacy
        and families is compromised when what should be             they and their families deserve.
        private conversations between doctors and patients

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