Page 9 - Pediatric Ambulatory Care Center_Sep.2022
P. 9

Expanding  the  current  facility  will allow  us        The  planned expansion will double the space for
        to  establish  a  new,  comprehensive  Pediatric         ambulatory  cancer  care  and  treatment,  improve
        Oncology Ambulatory Care Center that will                special treatment units, make available comfortable
        relieve  the  current  overcrowding  and  make           areas  for patients and their families, and provide
        possible  inclusion  of  all  of  the  state-of-the-art   designated  spaces  for  occupational and  physical
        tools necessary for cutting-edge treatment and           therapy. This new expanded and upgraded facility
        optimal life-saving and healing results.                 will in many cases also alleviate the need for patients
                                                                 to  be  hospitalized  overnight,  a  major  benefit  for
                                                                 them and their families.

        The project will include the following:

       Ambulatory Treatment Areas          Six Medical Examination Rooms               Procedures Room
       Twenty ambulatory treatment areas   Physicians’ examination rooms are needed    Medical  procedures that
       will  more  than  triple  the  number   for examining patients before treatment   require  sedation  will  be
       of  treatment  areas  available  and   and for screening and follow-up exams.   performed in this room.
       provide adequate space to meet      These examination rooms will also be used   There is a crucial need for
       the needs of the growing number     for private conversations with patients and   one such room with suitable
       of pediatric oncology patients who   families. This privacy, which we cannot offer   equipment and space within
       need treatment each day.            in the current facility, is of great importance.  the department

       Isolation Rooms                 Social Workers’ Room               Consultants’ Room
       Two     positive   pressure     The  Department  of  Pediatric     A range of medical and paramedical
       isolation rooms for patients    Oncology  Ambulatory  Care  is     consultants  come  to  the department to
       with  compromised  immune       committed  to  providing  social   work with our patients. These include
       systems  and  two  negative     services to patients as part of    dieticians, psychologists, and experts in
       pressure isolation rooms that   the comprehensive support          palliative medicine. We require a suitable
       provide  isolation  for  others   they receive. Social workers are   room in which they can work and interact
       from patients who may carry     an integral component of our       privately  with  our  patients  and  their
       infections.                     multidisciplinary staff.           families.

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