Page 3 - Sustainable Development Goals_ EN booklet 2022
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2022 The Year of Sustainability



              17 Goals [SDGs]

               Hello team,

               The challenge to reach a sustainability for future generations of humanity is a long
               global journey. ICL joined this journey, equipped with a culture of innovation and
               a winning spirit towards building and maintaining a resilient sustainability ESG
               (environmental, social and governance) performance. We are determined to take a

               leading, proactive position on these matters, both within our industry and across
               the communities we serve and comes from.

               2022 was announced by Raviv Zoller, ICL’s president and CEO to be the Year of
               Sustainability. During this year, we elaborate our activities and further investigate
               and embed our corporate responsibility with the UN SDGs. Embedding a culture of
               sustainability is crucial to meet our purpose:

               ensuring food security (SDG no 2) while, maintaining a sustainable and innovative
               industry (SDG no 9).

               As part of our sustainability year initiatives, we welcome you, to review ICL’s SDG
               booklet, share its highlights with your teams and engage us with your comments,
               suggestions, and insights.
               We believe together we can make a change in this important joint journey for our
               next generations.

               Yours sincerely

               Nitzan Moshe                                       Gali Feldboy  Klinger

               EVP operations                                     Global Sustainability  Manager

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