Page 65 - Next_Move_2_SB_
P. 65

Unit 6

           1   Look at the photo. What is Zoe’s problem?        4  What about you?  In pairs, ask and answer.
           2   Read and check your answer to Exercise 1.             1  How often do you buy new clothes?
                                                                     2  What do you do with your old clothes?
           3     2.29   Read the article. Answer the questions.
                                                                     3  Do you think a swap shop is a good idea?
               1  Where is Zoe from?                                 4  What things would you like to swap?
                 Zoe is from Richmond in the UK.
               2  How many tonnes of clothes do people in the
               UK throw away every year?                           How often do you
                                                                   buy new clothes?
               3  Why is this bad for the environment?                                  I usually buy new
               4  How can people reuse or recycle clothes?                          clothes every month.
               5  What is a swap shop?
               6  What things can people take to a swap shop?

                 *UHHQ 7DON                                                  Zoe from Richmond in the UK has got a

                                                                       lot of old clothes  and she doesn’t want

                                                                       them any more.
                                                                       Z  I’m so bored with my old T-shirts and
                                                                         jeans! I really, really hate them! I’m
                                                                         going to throw half of them away!
                                                                         I   Now calm down, Zoe. That’s a terrible idea.
                              This week’s green problem
                                                                         Did you know that in the UK people throw
                                                                         away 900,000 tonnes of clothes every year!
                                                                         The chemicals in the clothes pollute the
                                                                         environment. You should reuse old clothes
                                                                         or recycle them.
                                                                         Z  How can I do that?
                                                                         I  You should organise a swap shop.
                                                                       Z  What’s a swap shop?
                                                                         I  It’s a party! First find all your old clothes. Then

                                                                         phone your friends and invite them to your
                                                                         house. Ask them to bring all their old clothes
                                                                         with them because you are going to swap
                                                                         clothes. It’s easy, fun and free – and it recycles
                                                                         the clothes. You can all get a new ‘look’ and
                                                                         save money! You should have swap shops
                                                                         and recycle other things too – computer
                                                                         games, DVDs or magazines, for example.
                                                                         Z  That’s a great idea – and a green idea!
                                                                         I   Correct. So, Zoe, are you going to throw
                                                                         old things away?
                                                                         Z  No, I’m not. From now on, I’m going
                                                                         to have swap shops and I’m going to
                                                                         protect the planet!

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