Page 68 - Next_Move_2_SB_
P. 68


            Speaking and Listening
                                                                    Assistant    Can I help you ?

            1   Look at the photo. Answer the questions.            Nadia     Yes, please. Where is this bag from?
                                                                Assistant   South Africa.

               1  Where are Nadia and Carlos?
                                                                    Carlos   It’s  cool!
               2  What objects can you see?
                                                                    Nadia   Don’t touch a thing, Carlos. There’s
              2   2.34  Listen and read the conversation.                  chocolate on your hands. You mustn’t
               Check your answers.                                         eat or drink in here.
                3   2.34   Listen and read again. Answer the        Carlos     You’re right. Where’s the bin?
               questions.                                       Nadia      Don’t throw that can away! Recycle it!
                                                                           In South Africa they recycle cans, old
                 1  Where is the bag from?
                                                                           records, bottles and things, and they
                   The bag is from South Africa.                           make beautiful things from them.
                 2  Does Carlos like the bag?                       Carlos   Awesome!
                 3  What has Carlos got on his hands?               Nadia   Have you got any other bags?
                 4  What does Nadia think Carlos should do with       Assistant   Sure.    Here you are. Just look at this one.

                 his can?                                                  They use bottle tops to make it   .
               5  How much is the bag?                              Nadia     Oh! That’s lovely!   How much is it?

               6  Does Nadia want to buy the bag?                   Assistant  It’s £7.

                                                                    Nadia   That’s cheap! I’ll take it.
            4   Act out the conversation in groups of three.

                                                                        Say it in your language …

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