Page 69 - Next_Move_2_SB_
P. 69

5   Look back at the conversation. Who says what?     Grammar  Must/Mustn’t
               1  Can I help you?   Assistant
               2  Where is this bag from?
               3  Have you got any other bags?                  Affirmative and Negative
               4  Here you are.                                       I/You/He/She/It/We/They   must be  careful.
               5  I’ll take it.
                                                                    I/You/He/She/It/We/They   mustn’t (must not) eat
           6   Read the shopping phrases.                       in the shop.
          Working in a shop  Asking for help in a shop
                                                                 Grammar reference Workbook page 96
          Can I help you?     Have you got a/any …?
                                                                1   Study the grammar table. Choose the correct
          Here you are.       How much is it/are they?
                                                                   options to complete the rules.
          It’s £7. / £10. / £25.   That’s cheap! I’ll take it/them.  1   We can use  must  and  mustn’t  to talk about
                                                                     rules (obligation).
                              That’s  expensive!
                                                                     2  We can use  must / mustn’t  to say that it is
                              I don’t want it/them, thanks.          a good idea to do something (strong advice).
                                                                   3   We use  must / mustn’t  to say that
                                                                     someone can’t do something because it
                       7   2.35  Listen to the conversation. Act out the   is not allowed (prohibition).
             conversation in pairs.
                 Assistant     Can I help you?
                 Zak       Yes, please. Have you got any        2   Choose the correct options.
                         1  baseball caps ?                          1  You  must /   mustn’t  leave  rubbish in the street.

                 Assistant       Yes, we have.  We’ve got lots of    Put it in the bin!
                         them.  Here you are.                        2  It’s late. I  must / mustn’t  go home now.
                 Zak       Great. How much is it?                    3  We  must / mustn’t  pollute rivers. It’s bad for
                 Assistant       It’s   £5.                          the environment.
                 Zak       That’s   cheap.  I’ll take it.  Thanks.    4  When you are driving, you  must / mustn’t  stop

                                                                     at a red light.
           8   Work in pairs. Replace the words in purple in         5  Shh! We  must / mustn’t  talk in the library.
             Exercise 7. Use these words and/or your own
             ideas. Act out the conversation.                   3   Look at the shop signs. What do they mean?
                                                                   Make sentences with  must  or  mustn’t .
               Can I help you?
                              Yes, please .  Have you
                                  got any pens?

                Yes, we have.

                                                                   1  eat or drink         3 pay here
                                                                   You mustn’t eat or drink.
               1  bags / notebooks / pens / T-shirts

             2  £20 / 95 pence / £1.25 / £7
             3 expensive

             4  I don’t want it. / I don’t want them.

                                                                  2  use a mobile phone      4  touch things in the shop

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