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P. 67

Unit 6

          Should                                                Vocabulary  Materials and
                       I/You/He/She/It/We/They   should plant  trees.     1   2.33  Look at the picture. Complete the
                                                                   containers with these words. Then listen,
                                                                   check and repeat.
           I/You/He/She/It/We/They  shouldn’t (should not)            cardboard  glass   metal
           plant  trees.                                          paper        plastic   wooden


                                                                Word list page 77     Workbook page 109
           Should  I/you/he/she/it/we/they   plant  trees?
                                                                     1 a cardboard carton   4 a   bag
                                                                     2 a   box              5  a   bottle

           What  should    do?                                       3 a   can            6  a   jar
            Grammar reference Workbook page 96
           5   Study the grammar table. Choose the correct       1                              5
             option to complete the rule.

               We use should and shouldn’t to  give orders /                                        6
             make suggestions .                                                3

           6   Make sentences with  should  or  shouldn’t .
               1  she / have / a shower / not a bath
                 She should have a shower not a bath .
               2  we / recycle / books – we / throw / them / away
               3  they / take / those things / to the recycling centre
               4  he / leave / rubbish / in the street
               5  we / reuse / things – we / pollute / the environment
               6  you / buy / new clothes – you / reuse / old clothes

            Pronunciation  Silent letter  l
                                                                    2   What are these things made of? List the
            7a    2.30      Listen and repeat.
                                                                     1  a light bulb       4  a gold ring
                 should, half, calm
                                                                       It’s made of glass.   5 a car
              b   2.31          Listen. Which word in each group has     2  newspaper      6 a book
               a silent letter  O ?                                  3 a computer
                 1   calm      old  tell
                 2  recycle   school   shouldn’t                3   What about you? In pairs, ask and answer the
               3   clean   walk     clothes                        questions.
                                                                       1  What do you recycle?
           c      2.32   Listen, check and repeat.                 2  What do you throw away?

                                                                       What do you
           8  What about you?  In pairs, talk about what you
                                                                         recycle?     I recycle  wooden boxes.
             should and shouldn’t do.
               I leave my TV on.
                                You shouldn’t leave the TV            Brain Trainer Activity 4
                               on. You should turn it off.               Go to page 117

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