Page 19 - Dec 2022
P. 19

Chip  and  Barb   Hanback  were  the  hosts  of  the
 November  club  dinner,  although  they  weren't  able
 to  attend.  Barb  recently  took    took  a  tumble  that
 required surgery on her shoulder as well as  repair
 to  her  broken  arm.   She  is  now  in  the  recovery
 phase from her injury.

 The  Hanbacks  would  have  been  pleased,  however,                   Los Posadas (t he passage)
 by the great turnout  that packed the back room of                     December 16-December 24
 Mazatlan.  Our group enjoyed both good food and
 good  conversation.  (  Thumbs  up,  too,  for  the          Originating from Spain,  posadas have been practiced
 bartender  who  knows  his  way  around  a  margarita      in  Mexico  for  over  400  years.  The  nine  evening  fiesta
 and a pina colada and for the servers  who zipped          known  as  Los  Posadas  commemorates  Mary  and
 around with brimming, very hot, plates. )                  Joseph's nine day journey from  Nazareth to Bethlehem
                                                            and marks   their search for shelter  when the town was
 If you enjoyed an authentic tamale with your meal,
                                                            filled  with  travelers   from  all  over  Judea  arriving   for  a
 you  had an early preview of just  one of the foods
                                                            taxation head count decreed by Rome.
 that  are  featured  during  traditional  holiday
 celebrations  not  only  in  the  Mexican-American         A community celebration, rich in  Catholic tradition, each
 community but  in Latin American countries around          evening of Los Posadas takes place in a different home,
 the world.                                                 each night. It   has both a religious and a merry making
 Because of  a Spanish colonial background many of
 these countries celebrate,  in addition to Christmas       Sometimes  there  will  be   individuals   dressed  as  Mary
 Day,  Los  Posadas,  and  the  Feast   of  Three  Kings,   and Joseph who lead the way  to the  home selected for
 meaning  that  family  celebrations   run  from            the evening, while a special  carol , La Canción Para Pedir
 December 16th all the way through January 6th.             Posada,  is  sung  by  the  marchers.  Other  processions
                                                            feature   images  of  the  holy  family  carried  by  marchers
                                                            who  are  then  joined  by  others  in   a  procession.  that
                                                            follows behind.
                                                            Upon arriving at the home,  on each of the nine nights, a
                                                            different  quality  will  be  meditated  upon--  humility,
                                                            strength,  detachment,  charity,  trust,  justice,  purity,  joy,
                                                            and generosity.
                                                            Then comes the fun. Colorful pinatas in the shape of the
    The  tradition  of  Luminaria,  a  loan  word  from
                                                            Christmas  star   are   hit  with  sticks  by  blindfolded
    Spanish that entered English in New Mexico, are
                                                            children  until  they  break,  spilling  out  small  toys  and
    used  to   light  the  path  of  those  on  the  Los    candies, resulting in a mad scramble.   There's music and
    Posadas journey.  The idea was adopted from the         traditional  foods are served.  At the end of the evening,
    Spanish  by pueblos in Latin American countries.        the hosts present the guest with aguinaldos, small bags
    Santa  Fe,  New  Mexico,  is filled  with  their  gentle    filled  with  treats  and  candies,   a  present  to  help  them
    light each December, as is the historic  pueblo of      continue their journey.
    Los  Angeles  in  California.  Originally  the  term    The  festival  of  Three  Kings  begins  on  January  5th,  the
    meant a small vigil fire.  The tradition of lighting    night of the kings , and ends on January 6th, Epiphany,
    luminaria in the Rio Grande Valley  can be traced       with the gifts children receive from the Three Wise Men,
    back  to  1590  and  men  working  for  Gaspar          remembering  the  gifts  the  Magi  brought  to  the  Christ
    Castano de Sosa. Today, small paper sacks, each         Child, the King of the Jews.   This event concludes the 12
                                                            days of Christmas within the Hispanic culture..
    filled  with  sand  and  a  lit  candle,  or  a  more
    modern  and  safer   LED  light,  mark  the  path
    leading to a traditional  Posadas  gathering.
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