Page 22 - Dec 2022
P. 22

Christ mas Pudding

                                                      Christ mas Cards

                                                 Christ mas Pant omimes

                                                    Christ mas Crackers

                                              Kissing under t he Mist let oe

                                     Christ mas Trees  popularized by Queen

                                     Vict oria and Prince Albert  ( OK - for you
                                 st icklers, t hey act ually were Germans and so

                                was t he t ree, but  t hey didn't  bring t he cust om
                                                         t o England.)

                                                Fruit cake and Mince Pies

                                                          Boxing Day

                                     Robust  t radit ion of Christ mas poet ry and

                                 carols, including Greensleeves, composed by
                                King Henry VIII, which became t he melody for

                                                    What  Child is This?

                                                                                         The Christ mas

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