Page 27 - Dec 2022
P. 27

Going t o t he Pant o

                                                                Holiday pantomime that is.  Many British Christmas
                                                               customs  have  been  adopted  whole  cloth  by
                                                               Americans  and  other  countries  around  the  world.
                                                               Yet,  while France loves its own tradition  of mimes (
                                                               not  one  word,  please,   about  the  subtle  artistry  of
                                                               Marcel Marceau), no one that isn't a tried and true
                                                               member  of  the  UK  "gets"  the  obsession  with  the
                                                               Holiday  Pantomime,  as noisy as France's mimes are
                                                               silent,  and  as  broad  as  humor  can  possibly  be
                                                               defined.   The Panto can   also feature cross dressing
                                                               (  thank  you  William  Shakespeare  for  making  that
                                                               happen on the stage)   and improbable plots, often
                                                               taken  from  fairy  tales,   dressed  up  as  theatrical

                                                               Pantos are meant for kids, but the  acting is  so arch
                                                               that  adults   in  the  UK  seem  unable  to  resist  them
                                                               and  use  the  kids  as  an  excuse  to  attend.    Never
                                                               been to a panto? We have a modest example below
                                                               of Jack and the Beanstalk.

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