Page 32 - Dec 2022
P. 32
In Britain, there was the
Lord of Misrule long
before there was a
Father Christmas. Then,
Oliver Cromwell, the Lord
Protector, neither a believer in
Kings nor a fan of Christmas.
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T hosewho spend much of t he holiday season lament in
it s fall int o frivolit y, commercialism, and low t ast e, rat her
t han concent rat ing solely on t he religious aspect s of t he
Christ ian nat ivit y st ory, should t ake heart . The t hings t hey
lament as indicat ions of modern moral failings, have always
been a part of seasonal celebrat ions in December and January.
St art ing wit h t he Romans
Alt hough t he Christ ian Church had made t remendous inroads
in t he Roman Empire by t he 4t h cent ury, t he much earlier
mid-wint er fest ival of t he Sat urnalia, held in honour of t he god
Sat urn, was st ill hanging about . The fest ival commenced on 17
December and was accompanied by seven days of
Images by iSt ock,