Page 29 - Dec 2022
P. 29

The Mist let oe Tradit ion

                                                                       Boxing Day
        It's not just as simple as stealing a kiss under a sprig
        of the stuff hung from a beam  in a room.  As early as         For  those  in  service  in  England,  Christmas  Day
        1444,  an  account  of  using  greenery  in  holiday       was another work day, but the day after  brought
        decorations   reported  that:   "  every  man's  house  and   Christmas  boxes,  filled  with   small  gifts  and
        also  his  parish  church  was  decked  with  holme,  ivie,   sometimes  money,  from  their  masters  to  thank
        bayes, and whatever the season of the year afforded to     them for their service.
        be green."  Mistletoe was also  part of the greenery.          According to the BBC, the day after Christmas,

        English  poet  Robert  Herrick  (1591-1674)   is  the  first   got  its  name  when  Queen  Victoria  was  on  the
        known author to associate mistletoe with Christmas.        throne,  naming   the  tradition  of  wealthy  families
        His   poem  entitled  "Ceremonie  upon  Candlemas  Eve"    boxing  up  gifts  to  give  to  the  poor  and  to
        focused  on  the  day  when  holiday   greenery  was       tradesmen.   Alms  from  Church  poor  boxes  were
        removed from homes.  "Down with the Rosemary, and          also  distributed.    There  was  a  tradition  of
        so, Down with the Baies, & mistletoe."                     employers  giving  gifts  of  money  or  food  to
                                                                   employees and servants on this day, stretching all
        Long  a  symbol  of  fertility  and  vivacity,  When  the
                                                                   the way back to feudal times when the Lord of the
        tradition of kissing under the mistletoe first began has
                                                                   Manor  would  gather  all  the  workers  on  his  land
        been lost in the mists of time. Druids certainly used
                                                                   and distribute practical goods, like food, tools, and
        mistletoe  in  rituals  and  for  healing   long  before  it
                                                                   cloth,  as payment for the work they had done all
        became a staple in kissing boughs ( now referred to as
        balls).    The Georgians   said  that  a    gentlemen  upon
        plucking  a  mistletoe berry from the bough could  kiss       Today Boxing Day is a public holiday, filled with
        a  lady  on  the  cheek.  When  the  berries  were  gone,    sports , shopping, and family time.
        there was no more kissing.
        Some believed the plant had magical properties at the
        holidays.  (  That  idea  carries  over  in  the  new  Netflix
        British Holiday film called Christmas at Mistletoe Farm,
        now streaming.) The first written record of the kissing
        tradition  is found in a comic opera written in England
        in  1784, where the following is reported:
        "When  at  Christmas  in  the  hall,  the  men  and  maids
        are  hopping...Cry  what  good  luck  has  sent  you  and
        kiss  beneath the mistletoe."

                                                           Mince Pies                         image by iStock / Kuovana
         Like the Christmas pudding, it wouldn't be the holidays in the UK without the presence of mince pies. Mince pies were
         brought to England  in the 13th century by Crusaders returning from the Middle East. They contained actual minced
         meat and a  blend of spices, back when spice was pretty much the provenance of the Middle Eastern countries.  By the
         17th century, the meat was on the run, being replaced by dried fruit. The spices remained, with three, cinnamon,
         cloves , and nutmeg, representing the gifts of the Three Kings. No longer a main dish, now a dessert,   the tradition is
         that one eats a mince pie, either hot or cold,  on each of the 12 Days of Christmas;  some Brits admit to eating 14 or
         more of the sugary pies during the holidays, including at  breakfast.  The first mince pies were ovals to represent the
         manger where  Baby Jesus slept in Bethlehem.  [Some people do not like mince pies. For them, putting one on a plate,
         is simply an excuse to eat brandy butter sauce by the teaspoonful. As if an excuse were actually needed! ]
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