Page 26 - Dec 2022
P. 26
Above: Reported to be the first Christmas card, this example is reproduced
in the public domain under a common license from Wikipedia
Christ mas Cards were Act ually a Way t o Promot e The Brit ish Post al Service
Prepare t o be ast onished: Just as the Puritans artist, and together they came up with the idea of
did not bring Thanksgiving to the American colonies, a Christmas Card that could be mailed. Like King
Hallmark did not bring Christmas cards to the world. James' earlier version the first cards were in three
panels. Two panels showed people caring for the
Archivists tell us that the first recorded use of the
poor and the center panel showed a family
words "Merrie Christmas" were in a letter sent in
enjoying a huge Christmas dinner. (Even then
1534, probably carried by a horseman to its recipient.
there were critics. Some people complained that a
But a letter isn't a card and cards are what we're
child was being given a glass of wine to drink. ).
talking about here.
The cards sold for a shilling each, about 5 cents,
Getting a bit closer, in 1611 something that looked and 1,000 were produced. Mass production of
rather more like a very large three paneled card was Christmas cards in England began in 1860 and the
sent to James I of England, also James VI of Scotland. race to send greetings was on.
Folding made it easier to carry since it was 33" x24"
The Victorians kept on giving with family life,
in its unfolded state.
country scenes, and religious themes becoming
The greeting featured a rose in the center and a common. Robins (a British bird) and snow-scenes
Christmas and New Year's greeting for the King and also became popular. Postmen were nicknamed
his son. There were also included four poems and 'Robin Postmen' because of the red uniforms they
the lyrics for a song. Even then, someone believed in wore. Snow-scenes became popular because of a
"go big or go home" when trying to impress royalty. bad winter that happened in the UK in 1836.
Fast forward to 1843 and make the acquaintance of In the 1840s Christmas cards finally appeared in
Sir Henry Cole, an enterprising senior civil servant the US, but they were very expensive, beyond the
who had helped to set up the new Public Records means of most Americans. In 1891 American
Office ( now known as the Post Office) in 1840. Sir sharpshooter Annie Oakley was touring Britain
Henry was trying to find a way to make the service with a Wild West Show and spent Christmas in
both more accessible and more inviting for the Glasgow, Scotland. Wearing tartan, , she sent the
general public to use. Called the 'penny post' , first known personalized Christmas card,
because the addition of new railway lines allowed featuring a photo of herself, that she designed and
mail to move faster and more cheaply than that had printed by a local printer, to her friends back
carried by mail coaches, a letter could be posted for a in the United States. Back in America, in 1915
penny. Cards in an unsealed envelope could be John C. Hall and his two brothers started
posted for half a penny. It was obvious there was a Hallmark Cards, still one of the biggest card
market for ordinary people to start using the post makers today and responsible for year round
office. sacchrine Christmas via the Hallmark Channel . Sir
Henry would never have envisioned it.
Sir Henry got together with his friend John Horstly, an