Page 15 - Dec 2022
P. 15

Some Fact s about  Winchest er Cat hedral

      -     The  locat ion   of  Winchest er  Cat hedral,
          one  of  Europe's  largest   cat hedrals,   has
          been  a  religious  sit e  for  more  t han  15
          cent uries.
      -   King Alfred t he Great , of Saxon renown,
          was  originally  buried   in  Old  Minst er.
          t he  original  church.  upon  his  deat h  in
          899.    His  bones  were  t aken  t o  Hyde
          Abbey  in  1110  but   were  lost   when  t he
          abbey      was     dest royed     during     t he
          Reformat ion.
      -   A deep sea diver saved t he Cat hedral. in
          t he  1900s  t he   wooden  foundat ion  was
          rot t ing  away,  causing  cracks  in  t he

          walls.  Diver William Walker and a t eam
          of  150  men    were  called  in  from  t he
          Port smout h  shipyards  and  worked  on
          t he sit e for six years, oft en in complet e
          darkness,   excavat ing  t renches  t hat
          oft en filled wit h wat er and filling cracks
          wit h concret e.  25,000 bags of concret e,
          115,000  concret e  blocks,  and  900,000
          bricks were used t o fix t he foundat ions.
      -   Novelist  Jane Aust en is buried here but
          her original marker did not  ment ion her
          books.  This was remedied in 1872.

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