Page 50 - Dec 2022
P. 50

Meet  our  New Columnist

                                                                      Sharon St ewart  and her

                                                                    Friends are t he Track Rat s

        Cat ching up wit h Sharon St ewart  is hard to do; not just because she's a busy lady but because
        she spends almost every  week on the  track in   her  car, testing it and her skills, constantly focusing on
        improvement.  We can thank her enthusiasm for bringing us this  new column, focusing on  the joy of
        driving  and  reveling  in  going  fast.   Her  passion  means  that  she  also  has  some  great  friends  who  are
        happy to contribute to the column, too.  We already have several members in the NBCC who are involved
        with their peppy British cars in vintage racing. Let's hope this column means we will hear more from them
        and that it inspires other members to explore some other ways they can enjoy every inch of their cars.
        Here's what  Sharon has t o say about  herself and about  Jim Mit chell her guest  t his mont h. Editor

                                                               Jm has an extensive background in motorsport. He
                                                               began his track career racing motorcycles.

                                                               After five years of motorcycle racing, he learned that
                                                               the  ligaments  that  hold  his  joints  together  (like
     DRIVE IN                                                  shoulders and hips)  are a bit loose. Ouch. It  turns

                                                               out that just steering a bike - or even a swimming
        "One of my former instructors asked me if I had
                                                               stroke - can cause his shoulder joints to separate.
        started instructing yet. To be honest, it had never
     STYLE                                                     What's a track addict to do?? I guess you just have to
        occurred  to  me.  Then  hubby  and  I  joined  the
        driving club at NCM. That gave me the opportunity
                                                               take up racing cars.
        to  sit  in  the  right  seat  and  try  to  explain  to  my
        spouse how to navigate one of the most complex         Jm said it just wasn't as much fun as motorcycles. I
        tracks  on  the  continent.  Spoiler  alert:  we  didn't   asked how he solved that. He thought my question
        crash - probably because hubby already has some        was funny. His answer: "Go FASTER".
        experience  on  track  with  instructors  who  know
                                                               And tell us, Jm, how do you do that? His answer: get
        what they're doing.
                                                               someone  to  sit  in  the  right  seat  and  offer  helpful
        Here's t he int erest ing quest ion:                   comments like, "you're going to crash there"; "you're
                                                               over-driving  your  car",  "you  need  better  brakes",
        Why  on  earth  do  people  serve  as  instructors  on   "you need different tires".  LOL.
        the track? It means they have to get in a car with
        someone they don't know, who doesn't know how          If you're  lucky, you have an instructor like Jm who
        to drive (on track). Does that sound fun to you? It    offers small amounts of help in the right places at
        does to some people.                                   the right time to help a terrified novice feel like they
                                                               are improving. Jm still has a buddy who helps him.
        Meet  JIM MITCHELL, Inst ruct or Ext raordinaire.      We  both  agree  there  is  no  substitute  for  a  great
        Lucky for me, I met Jm as my instructor at NCM a
        couple  of  years  ago.  He  has  a  special  gift  for   Jm is on a team in the Champ Car Endurance Series.
        helping his students gain confidence and skill.        (
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