Page 48 - Dec 2022
P. 48
Tr a c k R a t s
a c ol umn f or Vint age and Moder n Rac er s
(or t hose t hinking t hey Might l ike t o giv e it a Go)
By Shar on St ew ar t and her guest s,
t his mont h: Jm Mit c hel l
So you've made t he decision t o t ake your car ( or t hink about it ) t o t he t rack in Above: A mighty MGB takes to the track. Quick and nimble,
2023. Where do we st art ? Preparat ion!! vintage racers really do have more fun. Image by Phil Riley
Below: Looking back, our first issue of Motoring in April
2022 featured this Vintage Racing Story& a 74-7ear old
rookie. It's never too late. Buy a helmet!
Finding a track day organization that can provide an instructor.
event at a track near you is fairly easy these days.
I feel over the years this has been one of the has a straight- forward search most important advancements to track days.
engine that will show you every event inside a Getting some background info on your instructor,
selected radius of your home zip code. After you've asking questions about what to expect, where to
decided on a specific track with dates that work for go in the paddock that's full of cars and the
you, you'll most likely see a name of a track day beehive of activity associated when you arrive,
organization that is hosting the event. I've known has calmed many a nerve over the years.
this to confuse some people as they think the track
One thing your instructor may ask you is about
"isn't available that day" or "there's some event
your helmet , which will need to be SA rated.
going on".
Sorry folks , but showing up with that old (or
Digging a bit further in to this i found that many new) motorcycle helmet will not pass tech
people think that the track runs their own events inspection at the track and you'll be in a pickle.
which does happen but is rare and mostly reserved Some tracks have on site stores available with
for the track's private club members. Think of it as a helmets and you may get lucky and find one to
country club member at a golf course but with less your liking and size that's in stock but I wouldn't
gray poupon and more messy helmet hair. risk it. You're better off getting this checked off
the list well before your first call to grid.
These 'track day orgs' that are renting the track for
the day are responsible for all the administration, One of the premier brick and mortar racing
morning drivers' meetings, classroom sessions. and equipment stores in the Southeast which has also
providing instructors so all the background hassle massively grown their online store and ships
has been done for you. nationwide is Discovery Parts located inside of
Some, but not all, will also charge an annual Atlanta Motorsports Park (AMP) in Dawsonville
membership fee which I've never seen be more GA.
than $50. Many will contact you a week or so prior
Owner Ron Zappendorf says that "modern
to the event with a friendly introduction to your