Page 43 - Dec 2022
P. 43
And Then I Made
A partial list of things I've made with my lathe
would include:
- ·A complete set of cylinder head studs from
high strength (4140) rod (a story of its own!)
- ·Stripped spark plug hole repair bushing
- ·A set of shaft bearings for the starter motor
(from oilite bronze)
- ·Throttle linkage parts (for the Weber
- ·Repair to the fuel tank sump fitting. Above; Filter Housing with gaping hole
- ·Rear transmission mount of polyurethane
(you have to put it in the freezer and when
cold and hard, race to the lathe and turn it as
- ·Repair kit for an oil pressure housing that lost
its by-pass valve (The plugging method shown
is only appropriate because I had converted to
?spin on? filters. Most all spin on filters have
an internal by-pass valve making the one
removed and plugged redundant)
- ·Modified oil pressure gallery plug to accept
an oil pressure warning light
- ·Numerous drifts or ?pusher ? bushings to
drive or press out bearings and bushings
- And on it goes. Above: filter housing with by pass valve
Above: My made -at -home oil The by-pass valve replacement
pressure replacement switch Above: Filter housing with by pass valve
mod. installed.