Page 53 - Dec 2022
P. 53

NBCC's Stuart Naylor is a familiar face at our club events;   you might have wondered
                           where he had gotten to in November. The answer is he was back home in Cheshire,
                           visiting friends and family and taking in as much automotive action as he could find. He
                           was also home for a very personal  day, Remembrance  Sunday, the day in November
                           when the UK  remembers those who have served in  wars and campaigns.  Although
                           Veterans'  Day   is  celebrated  casually  in  the  United  States  with  Memorial  Day  events
                           taking  on  a  more  somber  cast,  in  the  UK,  Remembrance  Sunday,  marked  by  the
                           wearing of red poppies, a potent symbol from World War I, memorialized in the poem
                           In Flanders Fields,  remains  a very   solemn occasion.

                           Stuart's father was a World War II veteran, having served  with the British forces. This
                           year was the first time in  decades that Queen Elizabeth II, herself a veteran of WW II,
                           was not present for the observance.  Instead her son, King Charles III, represented the
                           people of the UK at the various ceremonies. 880,000 British forces,  6% of the adult
                           male  population of Britain, died in World War II.     Look for Stuart's story about his trip
                           home,  coming to MOTORING in 2023.

                                                                                    While still commanding No. 3 Canadian
                                                                                    General Hospital at Boulogne, France,
                                                                                    McRae died of pneumonia in British
                                                                                    General Hospital, in Wimereux, France.

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