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Index Edit orial: "May t he Road Rise Up t o Meet You...
by Cherie A. Beatty
May God hold you in the palm of His hand." The people of both
northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland have always had a way
President 's Corner, p. 4 with words. Perhaps it's the beauty of the countryside, despite the
steady presence of soft rain , that gives rise to emerald green, the
The Driving of t he Green, p. 6 poetry, the humor, the pathos, the lilt of music, and the country's
dozens of well-known blessings, both the sincere and the humorous.
An MG TD Tells It s Own St ory p. 27
March 17th, St. Patrick's Day, is celebrated not only in Ireland but
Down Range Event s, p.35 around the world. The Irish have always been travelers and, as hard
times in their own native land made them immigrants, they have
Annual Meet ing Report , p. 42
enriched each place where they've arrived. St. Pat also came with
Drive Your Triumph Day, p. 47 them. ( He was once a traveler, too, having been first brought to
Ireland as a slave by the Romans.) Ergo, On St. Patrick's Day it is said
Dreams for Sale, p. 51
that everyone is Irish. From the number of parades, including the fact
Ford & Red Bull Team Up, p. 55 that in Chicago, they dye their river green, this appears to be true.
What other saint is toasted with green beer, I ask you?
Track Rat s, p.56
We're doing our part by celebrating the Driving of t he Green in this
The Wild At lant ic Way, p.58 issue, featuring cars (and a single truck) of all marques. We also
have a solitary, partial, Orangeman, gracing our pages. The stories that
Sign Up for Cheekwood, p.59 go with these vehicles would do any Irishman proud; they are stories
of family, pride, restoration, and luck, finding just the right car at just
Driving on & at The Ice, p.66
the right time, even in unlikely places like Japan or Ebay.
Made in Ireland,
Thanks to video, we're also going to an Irish Pub, where the orange
p. 68 and the green is explained in song, and to a small island where the new
and the old live side by side, along with the sheep , the islanders, a
Announcement s, p. 74 smattering of cows, and a bevy of pipe bands. Then, we'll drive the
Wild Atlantic Way with the Porsche Club of Ireland who don't mind
Part ing Shot , p.76
getting their cars wet or hanging close to the edge of a cliff in a storm.
We do talk about the luck of the Irish but the reality is that the Irish
haven't always been lucky. Even the auto industry in the land of green
was put on the back foot in years past. We have a story about that in
Where's Winst on? this issue and some video about the great potato famine, too.
We've had a trifecta! Debbie Clary There have always been some people, however, who appear to be
considerably luckier than others. Consider, in this issue, two videos
Gardner, Kaila Kellerman, and John
from St. Moritz. In the Swiss Alps a newer International Concours
Shaw all found Winston, at just about
called The Ice, features racing on a frozen lake done by cars that you
the same time, in our February issue.
won't believe anyone would put at risk for damage. They're out there
He was riding shotgun in the classic
skidding around, kicking up snow, and having a ball. It's the having and
MG in the GOF Central promo flyer.
the spending of the green that's celebrated at St. Moritz.
Find Winston, this month, (hiding in
In March I'm sure you'll agree, if you're lucky enough to be a member
much smaller form) in our pages.
of the NBCC, you're lucky enough, even if you haven't risked a pile -up
Then, send your name and his
at St. Moritz or had to call an Uber after drinking one too many
location by page # to
Guinesses on the day. Cherie
P.S. I f you wear green on St. Pat's Day you needn't worry about beng
If you're t he first finder, you'll win t he pinched. Then, keep a watchful eye for the opening date of a new I rish
wort hwhile prize --but you can't win if Pub opening soon in Columbia, Tennessee, just off the square. We may
you don't ent er. Cont est s are funny still get a beated St. Paddy's Day Pub Crawl in this year.
t hat way.