Page 4 - Mar2023
P. 4
It's N ew s T im e
w ith Todd Fon tech ia, N BCC Pr esiden t
Spring is around the corner, and with a 75 degree day
already behind us in late Ferbruaryy, I?m ready!
Annual Meet ing: We held the Annual Meeting at the
Bavarian Bierhaus in Opry Mills. We ate some good
German food, drank good German beir, rounded up some
volunteers to host our monthly drives and dinners, and
elected a new Vice-President Paul Rowney. Welcome to
the Club Paul! There's a look at our new VP in this issue. We're Growing
Drive your Triumph Day was a big success with seven
Welcome New
cars in attendance on a nice cool February day. We met at
the Christ Community Church and had a chance to hang
out with old and new friends. I even helped a lady that Mat t & Alicia
drove up and said she couldn? find her phone in her Thompson
house! She asked if I could call her phone in 10
1975 Mini Copper S
minutes when she got home so she could find it, LOL.
It worked and she and her phone were reunited.
Mission accomplished!
Cars and Coffee: We will now be meeting at:
Christ Community Church at
1215 Hillsboro Road, Franklin TN, from 7:30 to 10:30 AM
My TR6 Engine rebuild Updat e:
I have a lot of balls in the air at this point. The block, crankshaft, and pistons are still at
USA Motor and Machine for cleaning and inspection. The Distributor is at Advanced
Distributors in MN for rebuild and re-curve to take advantage of the new head, cam,
intake system and header upgrades. The rocker arms are at Rocker Arms unlimited for
shaft re-chrome and bushings. The harmonic balancer rubber was all dried out, so I sent
it to be rebuilt at Damper Dudes in CA. The radiator was rebuilt at Emissions and Cooling
in Nashville and looks like new. A bunch of parts are at Quality Plating for plating, and I
just had the flywheel and clutch pressure plate resurfaced at Nashville Clutch. Meanwhile
I have been media blasting, scraping, and scrubbing the rest of the parts for paint. I also
completed cleaning up the ports in the head and intake. It?s all coming together and I
can? wait to take it for a drive on our Tennessee back roads.
The new NBCC websit e is up and running with Paul Sanguinetti and Rick Mathis at the
helm . Be sure to check it out.
Club Dinners: JD Damon will host the March Club Dinner on March 12th at the
Sportsman's Grill in Brentwood. RSVPs are required. Please let him know you're coming
by emailing 1jd@comcast .net
At present, I'm looking for dinner host s for April, June, July and November. We're
going to try to keep the club dinners going all year long as people seem to enjoy them.
NBCC Officer-at -Large
Please email me to sign up for a dinner month.
Paul Sanguinet t i
That's all for now folks. Stay safe, have fun, and keep?em on the road.
answered t he call and
Cheers, will wear t wo hat s in
Todd Fontechia 2023. Thanks, Paul, for
st epping up.