Page 3 - Mar2023
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Club Leadership 2022-2023
Please Take Note of the Following
President- Todd Fontechia,
Articles submitted for publication must be
WORD documents. If you do not have access to
WORD, please submit your article within the
body of an email.
Images (what used to be called photos) should
be high-res, 300 dpi, jpeg files. Please submit
them as individual attachments to email. Include Vice-President & Car Show Chair, Paul Rowney
appropriate caption information.
Treasurer- JD Damon
I mages, unless identified with the name of the
photographer via a photo credit, are inserted
either by common license, are in the public
domain, or are used under the Fair Use Secretary-Dave Bishop
Officers at Large
Doctrine with no intention of violating copyright
Some articles in the magazine are the product of
aggregate news stories and research. All articles
are subject to editing. Opinion pieces are
published as the opinion of the author alone. Len Melanson
Nashville British Car Club assumes no liability
for any of the material found within the pages of
MOTORI NG. Paul Sanguinet t i
Chip Hanback
Please submit stories, images, and story ideas
to the editor at
MOTORI NG is an online, digital publication,
produced as a benefit, without cost, to club
members. It has a publication date of the first day Ken Springer Barry Whitehead
of each month and is available through a link at
the newly redesigned NBCC website.