Page 5 - Mar2023
P. 5

Have Something You'd like member s to
                     St . Pat r ic k's Day
                       is Mar c h 17t h                                  know?

                           Warning:                Post it in MOTORING. Contact  editor  at
                       Wear something
                       green or prepare            twasbr Deadline 28th of
                        to be pinched.
 We're Growing                                     each month.

 Welcome New
 Mat t  & Alicia
 Thompson                 N ot ice  1                                                 N ot ice  3
                     Love it  or Hat e It --            N ot ice  2
 1975 Mini Copper S                                Check Out  Excit ing          It 's  t ime  t o  renew
                      Daylight  Savings                                             your  N B CC
                                                    Coming Event s by
                       t ime begins at                                           membership.  B eat
                                                   t urning page 35  t o
                     2AM, March 12t h.                                                t he  rush.
                                                      get  t o page 36.
                      Prepare t o Jump

                                                                                         Image istock by Tatiana Lazunova

                                                                           We Get E-mail
                                           "I?m in Texas visiting family and went to a Cars & Coffee this morning in
                                          Georgetown with my brother-in-law. Saw these dash placards in two of
                                          the cars and thought you might get a chuckle from them for the
                                          newsletter."  Regards, Russ Kline
                                          Editor: <smiling> Thanks for sharing.  These  Corvette / MG wannabe
                                          owners sknow  that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

                                              Left: Well, it could
                                                  be an MG.

                                                Just think BIG.

                                                            Right: Really, it's an
                                                              MG. It's just the

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