Page 1 - Huntwick Herald SEPT 2020
P. 1
September 2020
Volume 274 The Official Publication of the Huntwick Civic Association, Inc.
The quarantine has brought a lot more than social distancing He also replaced the tree bed on the left side of the yard with
– it has brought beautiful yards to Huntwick! With little mulch, focusing all the attention on the house. The Rendons
else to do, many do-it-yourselfers have taken to improving definitely have an eye for color and plant variety, while
their beautiful yards – both front and back. One incredible creating a symmetrical balance with ferns and potted flowers
transformation was done by Dave and Jacqueline Rendon. at the porch entrance. The beds wrap around the side of the
The Rendons recently moved to Huntwick in July 2019. house, continuing the lush look. We would like to welcome
Their Hambleton house’s front yard was pretty, but with their Dave, Jacqueline, and their three beautiful children to
creativeness and hard work, it’s now stunning! Huntwick. Keep up the good work!
While talking to Dave, he mentioned that the tree in his front It’s always inspiring to see beautiful transformations. If you
yard had died this spring. After removing it, he couldn’t just know of any other Before and After projects in Huntwick that
leave the bed around it in the middle of his yard... It just didn’t would be good to showcase home and garden improvements,
look right. He replaced where the tree existed with sod and please email the Beautification Committee at Beautification@
built large beautiful flower beds in front of their house.
Laura Holder, Beautification Committee
281-413-1216 •