Page 6 - Huntwick Herald SEPT 2020
P. 6

             TEEN JOB SEEKERS
                                                             ALL HANDS ON DECK!
            B - Babysitting   H - House-sitting
            L - Lawn      P - Pet-sitting      A deck can add that catalyst or missing element to improve your backyard environment.
            G - Gaslight Renovation           Additionally, it can add to your living space without spending a fortune for that extra
                                              room. Alternatively, if you already have a deck you may need to make repairs or simply
                                              upgrade. No matter your current state or situation, the biggest consideration before
                                              hitting that deck is maintenance. Repair and upkeep are mandatory to keeping a deck not
                                              only beautiful but useful as well.
                                              Decks can be expensive, whether a DIY project or contracted. It will take time and
                                              money. There is the planning and timing phase, size and use determination, and
          Please Note:  Law enforcement       decisions on materials and installation! The focus at this point should be maintenance
          agencies advise that publishing     and restoration. Here are a few steps to take to get at least three more years out of
          children’s contact information on the   your existing deck while you plan and save for your next backyard construction and
          Internet compromises their security.   landscaped masterpiece.
          For this reason, the youth services   Deck restoration products such as Rocksolid, Deck Restore, Restore-It, Rescue,
          list has been omitted from the online   Deckover, or the like are formulated to handle the toughest job. Cracks are filled and
          version of your newsletter.         appearance is dramatically improved. They are thick enough to cover the worst decks
                                              and will conceal those pesky splinters. There is work involved before the final affected
                                              results can be revealed. As a warning to all the DIYers, this is labor intensive.
                                              First, start with preparation work. Scrape off the loose finish, remove protruding
                                              nails and large visible splinters, and make any minor repairs. At the very least be sure
                                              to sweep and brush the deck. Next scrub the deck; use a stiff brush to wash. Apply
                                              cleaner such as deck brightener or refinisher. Power washing is advised. Finally apply
                                              the resurfacing product of choice. Again, use a stiff brush and roller. Clean the brush
                                              often and apply two coats. This can be done on day two as it dries very fast. It is ideal
                                              to “paint” in temperatures of 50 to 90 degrees, so start this project early in morning
                                              and before the hottest days in August. You may want to use a sealer when completely
                                              finished. Although it’s a lot of work, it will extend the life of your deck!
                                              Remember, as with all outdoor projects, please contact your Architectural Committee.
                                                                                   Denise Balkum, Beautification Committee

                                                   ALL EXTERIOR PROJECTS: Architectural Control Committee
                                               Sarah Moss, 281-795-1812 | Lynnette Gronewold, 832-229-8795 | Van English, 972-795-4257
                                                       Approval Request forms are available online at

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