Page 3 - Huntwick Herald SEPT 2020
P. 3

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          and support the local businesses that            PRESIDENT’S CORNER
          support your community newsletter.
                                              After August dropped heat nukes on us for 31 days, fall is here. Using the meteorological
               Air of Spring/Champions
                    281-350-9392              definition of seasons (based on temperature cycles and the Gregorian calendar)
                                              September 1 marks the first day of fall. If you prefer a different measure, the autumnal
               Better Homes & Gardens
              Pam Hughes  |  713-725-1213     equinox – also called the September equinox or fall equinox – arrives on Tuesday,
            Stephanie Martens  |  713-922-8529  September 22. Either way you slice it, keep a lookout because you might just catch a
                                              breeze that doesn’t feel like a close range blow-dryer.
                 Gas Product Services
                                              With the onset of fall, kids (the big ones and little ones) are headed back to school.
                Gypsy Caravan Events
                                              For me that meant Yeager (the sunshine school), Campbell (home of the Gators),
             Home PC Help  |  832-563-9080    Cypress Creek (go Coogs!), and The University of Texas (Hook ‘Em). Looking back,
                 Houston Methodist            I can’t thank my teachers enough. Not only did they teach me, but they put up with me.
                Willowbrook Hospital          So, I’d like to take a moment to thank two of my favorite teachers that still live in the
                                              area – Laura Bowman and Linda Mauldin, or as they were better known to me in 1985,
               Jeff’s Topcare Pharmacy        Mrs. Bowman and Mrs. Mauldin. Thank you for everything. To both of you I only
                                              have one grudge I’d like to address. Over my stern objections, you insisted I learn math
                  Jose Handy Man              because I wouldn’t always have a calculator in my pocket. I’d like to submit my iPhone
                                              as Exhibit A...
                   Ray Blackburns
                    281-893-5101              This year, please keep teachers and students in your thoughts and prayers. School is
                  Sprinko Landscape           going to look very different for some folks. For a lot of people, this year’s school
                    281-507-9184              pictures are going to look a lot like family portraits. I recently came across a related
            VCA Prestonwood Animal Hospital   joke that had me laughing: A boy and a girl were standing in the yard, and the girl
                                              grumbled not quite under her breath, “My math and science teacher is stupid. She
               Wired Electrical Services      doesn’t know what she is talking about, and I smelled vodka on her breath. Cheap
                                              vodka.” The boy quickly retorted, “Shut up, Carol! Mom is doing her best!”

                                              Enjoy the changing season, Huntwick. Crisp air is on its way. As always, please feel
                                              free to reach out to me if you would like to discuss the neighborhood!

                   ADVERTISING                                                                     Brad Aiken, President
             For information on this and other                                 832-293-1105 •
               neighborhood publications,
               please call 281.583.7661

          DISCLAIMER: All articles,  information, website  addresses  and
          cartoons  in  this  newsletter  express  the  opinions  of  their  authors
          and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Champions Printing &   Hello, Huntwick friends. Can you please help me find a flute teacher?
          Publishing, Inc. or its employees. Champions Printing & Publishing,
          Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles,
          information, website addresses and cartoons submitted by others.                     Doreen  •  281-586-9290
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                                                        Huntwick Herald                            September 2020   3
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