Page 17 - Meeting with Children Book
P. 17
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each child (after meeting with him/her) agreed should
be shared with parents. Feedback is provided by a
Child Practitioner.
Level 4 parents are provided the information
previously outlined and in addition a facilitated
meeting is provided between parents and their
children to hear each child’s concerns and to facilitate
comment/feedback/answers from the parents.
A central element of the CCCM was the identification
of the level of parent readiness to engage with the
voices of their children. We argued that the
determination of the level is often made by
practitioners based on their intuition. To improve
consistency and reduce reliance subjective
interpretation we provided a strategy for
identification of the level of parent readiness, that
seeks to apply some decision making scales to the
determination process (The Parent Readiness Scale
see p. 228).
In addition, a scale that assists practitioners to distill
the information provided from child meetings (The
Child and Youth Concerns Scale see p 261), was
introduced provided to give parents feedback on the
child concerns and the current resilience factors.
The application of the two scales; The Parent
Readiness Scale and the Child and Youth Concerns
Scale are key elements of this book and the
accompanying training course.